tanger family bicentennial garden


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tanger family bicentennial garden

Known for its massive annual plantings and bronze sculpture, this 7.5-acre...


This is a nice little park for strolling through, particularly when the trees and flowers are blooming. It isn't large but seems far removed from the adjoining streets. I enjoy the swing, when it's available.


I visited in February and I am sure that a day in May would have caused me to raise my rating to "excellent." There were no flowers during my visit. I enjoyed the paths and imagined what it will be like in bloom time.


Now to be honest I did not tour the whole garden. I actually parked here and walked through to get to the Bog Garden across the street. But what I did see of the Tanger Family Bicentennial Garden was beautiful and I'd like to go back and tour the entire place and see all the sculptures !


We took the three girls here as part of a trip to the Bog Gardens. They really enjoyed exploring the grounds and walking along all of the paths. It was interesting to see all of the different plant life and it was gorgeous how it was laid out. We enjoyed looking at the sculptures and there is plenty of lawn to relax, read a book or just watch the wildlife. The highlight of the trip was the swinging benches and we spent a lot of time in that area. The memorial is beautiful and it was touching to see all the tribute bricks to those who have gone before us. While some kids may not be impressed by such an attraction, we are fortunate to have three girls who thought this was a great way to spend an afternoon. There are restrooms (a must for any destination with the girls) and water fountains which can even accommodate the family pet! Coupled with a trip to the Bog Gardens, this was a perfect afternoon and a great retreat in the middle of a city.


Beautiful gardens and paths just a stone's throw away from the bustle of Friendly Center. It is a popular spot for photos (especially during prom season). I especially love the large porch-style swings near the back which were placed so you can enjoy the memorial gardens.


Always a nice place to walk, or relax. Close to other areas of interest, restaurants and shopping center.


A lovely, walkable garden. I'd love to see it in bloom. We wanted to spend an hour or so relaxing before continuing our drive and this fit the bill.


Love the flowers and enchanted waterfall (across the street). Great place to talk a walk and enjoy nature!


We are so fortunate to live nearby! This garden is beautiful year-round. Take your dog, your kids, your grandparents... Spend an afternoon in a gorgeous garden near Friendly Center.


Quiet, not crowded, some slight ups and downs, not flat though mostly paved so an easy walk.Pretty alcoves, winding paths, tree shaded. Pretty though nothing was in bloom this time of year.


A lovely place to walk among herb and flower gardens and stands of evergreen and deciduous trees.I walked the main path which is about 1.5 miles. There are a number of sunlight places for sitting and sharing a conversation, as well as picnic tables for a small group.


Centrally located next to Friendly Shops, it can get crowded. Even with this, you can get a nice walk and fresh air away from the commercialism of the shopping center. Beautiful paths and flowers.


I was rather amazed to find this park in the city of Greensboro. I had placed into my GPS to find a botanical garden. The walkways are nice, the statues interesting, the flowers beautiful. One thing my husband and I did notice, it seems to be a park that everyone brings their dog to walk at. But it was a nice garden to enjoy and the best part it's free.


Take your time, appreciate all the beautiful colors, flowers and landscaping in this gorgeous park! It makes for a wonderful stroll!


I went to the garden while I was scouting out places to have a family portrait taken. Because of the fees charged, I opted with another location.The garden is beautifully maintained and has a variety of plant life. The trails provide a great opportunity to stretch your legs and enjoy the outdoors.

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