sierra mac river trips - day tours


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sierra mac river trips - day tours



My partner and I went on a one-day trip down the Tuolomne River on Labor Day weekend 2014. This was one of the highlights of our honeymoon. The drive from the pick-up point to the river is somewhat terrifying, as they like to point out. The river guide we had (whose name I can't remember, unfortunately) was brilliant, controlling the boat while letting us (there were 5 passengers) think we were being useful. The rapids were super-impressive, especially when we surfed back into a rapid at one point. Brilliant day out!!!


We are a family of 5 - 3 teenage daughters and 2 adults - and just rode the Tuolumne river with Sierra Mac. What an experience - one of, if not THE best day we've had as a family. We checked in at Casa Loma, the meeting place, at 0830 - there is a bakery there for snacks, cakes and water if you need it), then were met by Scott, who then bussed us all the 5 mile drive to the Canyon floor. There are rest room facilities (basic chem loos, pretty grim but functional) at both Casa Loma and at the canyon floor). We then boarded our raft, guided by the excellent Mark, and set off. 18 miles and maybe 6 hours later we arrived at the end, exhilarated. What a brilliant trip. We stopped for lunch, which consisted of lots of fresh meats, salad (delicious avocado) and cheese with which to make sandwiches. Everything taken into the canyon has to be taken out, an excellent environmental requisite, so all the lunch was brought on our raft. We got the chance to dive into the river and float down 1 rapid (wearing life jackets and helmets of course). Mark guided us superbly, ensuring we were perfectly prepared to deal with even the hardest rapids (class 5 on a class 4 river). Photos are taken on the way down by a team kayaker who speeds ahead, then hops out at appropriate moments. Couldn't recommend enough - cost was roughly $1200 for 5 of us.


Thanks again to Marty and crew. Did my 2nd 2 day on the Tuolumne, It's a great trip with a fun crew. Tough enough to feel you have accomplished something but not death defying. Be sure to hike up the Clavey, one of the few undammed rivers in CA to enjoy the wonderful swimming pools. If you want a wilderness rafting experience in CA, Sierra Mac is for you.


My husband and I just took a one day, 18 mile trip with the guides from this company. It was one of the BEST experiences in our lives! They were so accommodating to us! We had signed up for a Monday a little earlier in the season and this day we were actually the only ones that were signed up. Any other place I'm sure would've cancelled the trip because of low numbers of people for the day. Not these guides... They didn't even hesitate to take us out and we had the time of our lives! Our guides were Tom and Keith and they were wonderful. They were SO nice, informative and funny! We always felt safe the whole trip but not without getting soaked and having a blast! The lunch we got was very well put together and we weren't expecting how nice it would be, either! I would HIGHLY RECOMMEND Sierra Mac for your white water rafting experience... I can't say enough good things about them! Thank you SO Much guys... You made our trip to California amazing!


I recently went rafting with Sierra Mac on the 2 day Cherry Creek/ Tuolumne combo trip. The trip was the best I have been on. The food the guides prepared was delicious. The owner, Marty, a great person who was a great rafter in his day. However our trip last weekend on the 17th, a fire cut short our 2 day rafting trip. After a very successful run down Cherry Creek with our great guide Adam, and setting up camp, we sighted a wildfire just before taking a nap. We then had to evacuate via a mountain trail which is 5 miles of hiking on a badly cut trail with tree branches sticking into the trail everywhere. Well, a 2 day rafting combo trip turned into a 1 day rafting/ hiking combo. However, the trip was made even more memorable because of this rare occasion. By the time we hiked to the top of the canyon, it was already 8:30 at night and Marty courteously invited us to join him and his family for dinner. This is one of many characteristics which show that Sierra Mac actually cares! Most rafting companies only care about money and so but Sierra Mac actually cares about its guests. A big thank you to all the friends at Sierra Mac especially Adam and Marty!!!


We recently got back from a wonderful two days spent on the Main Tuolumne. The Sierra Mac guides were awesome, taught us how to properly row a raft down a river and made it the highlight of my daughter's summer (and frankly that of my wife and myself as well). The food was excellent, as Jordan said, "Everything tastes better on the river." He was right but the homemade zucchini bread made a good breakfast great. Ky was a great oarsman and got us greenhorns down river with no problems (thanks!). Doc Mike and his team were a blast to travel with.Overall had a great time and can't wait to come back again.


Have to say, was a little nervous rafting Cherry Creek/ Upper Tuolumne. But once I realized how fabulous everyone at Sierra Mac was, I felt more comfortable with them then any other outfitter I've rafted with! The owner Marty was wonderful to work with, and our guides Martin & Adam (Jedi Master raft guide) were fantastic! As said in another review, their attention to safety is of highest standards. They were fun, friendly & most trustworthy. The food was great & I have to say ~ the best day ever. I couldn't have chosen a better rafting outfit then Sierra Mac!


I've just returned from my second trip down the Tuolumne River with Sierra Mac, and it was fantastic! Their attention to detail, from safety to fun to food, couldn't be better. The guides were friendly, funny, and helpful, in addition to being dedicated and trustworthy. I felt like I couldn't have picked a better weekend for weather, but I heard it's great for most of the summer. It was so warm we slept out under the stars, and enjoyed delicious, gourmet breakfast, lunch, and dinner in a spectacular setting. Marty, the owner, and his group of dedicated guides, helped my friends and I have a great trip down exhilarating rapids, and enjoy our time off of the river doing challenging day hikes and seeing amazing scenery. I'm already looking forward to the next chance to join Sierra Mac for another river trip! Good times!


Our trip on July 9th was awesome! To get to the river you travel on a bus for approximately 50 minutes on a very narrow bumpy dirt road BUT it is while worth it. This was our 3rd rafting trip with different outfitters and this one out ranks them all. The rapids were on-going throughout the 18 mile 6 hour day. A total of 18 rapids mostly 4, one 5 and a couple of 3's. Neva was our guide for the day and her experience and knowledge of the Tuolumne added greatly to making for a fun and exciting day. Prior to approaching each rapaid she skillfully instructed us what to do. We were a group of 4 seniors 61, 65, 67 and 6....we had no problem so I encourage those who are thrill seekers to go for it. One of the boats had a family of six with the youngest being 8 . . . he was fearless when it came to the rapids. Mid day we pulled off shore and the staff provided us with a lunch. Be prepared . . . at the end of the trip you have to climb up a steep rocky hill with your paddle in hand. You need good balance but it's a trip we would do again the next time we visit Yosemite.


This is the third time my 20yr old son have done the Tuolomne. It is some serious fun for those who like adrenaline. Everybody say's the river is awesome and it really is. It's beautiful, and the water is spectacular.It's also a really good bonding experience for a parent and their kid. You have to work together! Period...Sierra Mac, right down from the owner Marty, to the guides on the river,they work with you. They make you comfortable, train you properly and will adjust how they run the river based on your experience and ability level.There are many ways to run the river, from conservative to not so much. They will size you up for the trip, not you. That's why you are safe. This last time we were experienced and strong. Jen, our guide, did a great job for us.... I highly recommend her. Surfing anyone?There are one day, two day and three day trips. We've never done the one day, but I would guess it's for those with a lot of stamina. I think it might be good for 20 somethings. We take the two day. We camp overnight at some random place along the river, they bring in steaks, fish, beverages... all kinds, make you lunches, breakfast. The food is good and the company is good. People that do these trips are from everywhere and have every kind of job. All have interesting experiences. It's nice.We did the three day once with another outfit. There are lots of fun hikes and side trips on that one. Rock jumping, etc. Sierra Mac offers the same experience.Wetsuits blow but you gotta wear them, helmets are a good thing. You need sunscreen all of the time, and you need bug spray to be safe if you are staying over night. WEAR OLD GYM SHOES! Nothing more, nothing less. No wimpy beach shoes. You will swim.Listen to them about weight, age (it will be obvious), size restrictions. Don't fib. They need to know for a reason. And you need to be safe.Sierra Mac rules the Tuolumne.


I was speechless ad grinning from ear to ear after our trip down some BIG water on the upper part of the Toulumne River! My fiance was very apprehensive about the trip because she had heard the flow was going to be big, and that the Upper T was a technical section of white water. Sierra Mac addressed all of our safety concerns and made us feel secure and happy from am to pm. Our guides had decades of experience and really added to the trip with their natural history and care for the area. Having gone with other outfitters down white water in Northern California, I can say that Sierra Mac offers 1st class service that is comparable to none. Their guides skill, and personality will make your trip thrilling yet safe and keep you smiling from start to finish. The rivers that they run are truly unique and an experience that you will remember for a lifetime. Consider yourself lucky to be in one of their boats!


This was my first river rafting experience, and boy was it a blast. I had the pleasure of going when the water level was at the highest it has been at in years. I have to admit, I was a little intimidated when I saw how extreme the rapids were. But, as soon as I met my guide I felt an overwhelming sense of comfort and security. The rest of the trip was pure bliss. The scenery on the Tuolumne was amazing. Most of the time you're cruising through granite canyons that appear to rise straight up from the ground. Moreover, the accomodations were really spectacular; especially the food. I'm smiling right now, writing this, remember the wonderful time I had. I highly suggest Sierra Mac to anyone interested in white water rafting. Your smile will be flowing as much as the river!!!


First of all, the trip starts out great, even the drive to get to the meeting point with Sierra Mac was beautiful. We al the jumped on a bus together, which was awesome and headed down to the river. This was an all day event and every bit of it was amazing. I wore shoes that could get wet, not so much chaos, because the water was cold, but shoes that covered my toes. I unfortunately, didn't bring m camera, but thank goodness that my friend had. I would recommend bringing a camera and a water proof bag. I trusted my guides and thought they were really thorough. It was great!!


My introduction to river rafting was on the Tuolumne River in the summer of 2000, the year I moved to the Sierra Foothills. We opted for a Sierra Mac trip based on their reputation for having the best trained guides running the river and the most delectable picnics. My previous river relationships had always been on a bridge, crossing high above stagnant, slow moving ones (like the Hudson in NYC). So, having experienced, sharp guides was an important draw for me. The bus ride down to put-in is an adventure onto itself. At put-in after we were fitted with our gear we had our safety the water! It was cold! It was exhilirating! I was hooked. With much excitement spiced with fear I dipped my paddle into the water as instructed by the guide and our sturdy craft took off downstream. Our guide knew every rapid, every rock, and every eddy. We twisted and splashed down that beautiful river in that incredible riparian canyon. We had 5 rafts out that day, all staying near enough for safety yet far enough apart to give space for contemplation. Since that first trip, I've been on many. We took my farther in law on his 75th birthday, my nephew on his 13th. The river has raged the river has been calm. My confidence in it all is the amazing guides. They all love and know the river, they work together to make the river trip memorable and safe.


I was fortunate enough to go on a Sierra Mac training trip this year before the official river season began. This is the time when "new" guides are tested on their river running abilities before they are allowed to take customers on the river. My guide, Tom, was a very experienced river guide already--he has worked as a professional guide for several years on other rivers and has rafted the Colorado river through the Grand Canyon many times--but he was still required to be tested on the Tuolumne river. The more experienced guides were very experienced. Many of them had spent several decades rafting the Tuolumne river. They are truly masters of their craft. My friends and I had a wonderful day on a beautiful river.

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