gold city corral & carriage co


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gold city corral & carriage co



I'm sorry this man posted this but it happens in this world of Social Media now a days. Here was my response via e mail when he contacted me about this matter. The safety of our customers is always on the top of our program. Hi ****,I am David *****, the owner of Gold City Corral. Here is my private number: 706-***-****. Please feel free to call me with any questions or concerns at any time.I appreciate and share your concern and frustration regarding trespassing. I also have trouble with this issue on my own property with hunters as well as trail riders from another establishment. I have addressed this issue numerous times with my employees and have made every attempt to insure that my trail guides DO NOT go onto neighboring private properties for any reason. Over the years, I know that some of our new guides have strayed across boundaries not knowing the property lines very well, but I assure you that it has been a very infrequent occurrence as they know the dangers of as well as the legalities involved with venturing onto hunting club land. (usually the cause for the deviation of that trail involved bee hives that had developed and hadn't been located) As stated earlier, I have similar problems on a regular basis with other horseback riders as well as with hunters that cross over onto my property, particularly those hunters who want to cut through my land on ATV’s. I, too, have had to put up cameras in hopes it will identify individuals and put an end to trespassing since I have to protect guests and riders on my property.When I first started the stables, (30 years ago) I had a working agreement with the hunting club that existed at that time wherein we could use an area (it was a single loop that hunters usually didn’t use for hunting) to cut through to trails when it wasn’t hunting season. That worked well for many years until Sp***** Stables opened and their private horseback riders began to ride whenever and wherever they wanted. Unfortunately, this led to the trespassing issue that we are faced with today. These riders have often gone so far as to identify themselves to hunters as Gold City Corral guides/riders when they were not. There have also been a few incidents of my EX trail guides who live locally, and board their horses at that stables, cutting through both of our properties to get to riding trails without permission. Also, when Sp****** riders were blocked by the hunting club from riding off the back of their property, they started cutting through mine to go around back onto hunting club land. When I have caught them doing this, I have repeatedly warned them to stay off private property. Be assured I do not give anyone permission to ride through my property to get to yours and visa versa.I tried to open the attached pictures you sent and they will not open. I would very much like to view the photos and any others that you may have to help solve this issue. After confronting my employees about your complaint, I do know of one new trial guide that was seen on your property. He was leading a half day ride and got lost. The hunter he encountered forced him to go the wrong way (he had a gun, trail guide wasn't going to argue) to get back to the barn which wound up taking him deeper into your area. We do not know whether or not that hunter was a member of your club, but pointing a gun in the direction of my guide, he wouldn’t let him just turn around and go back via the old road. In any case, this was the only incident I know of where one of our trail rides ended up on hunting club land. Our trail guides even wear orange vest during hunting season so that the hunters on the edge of our property will see them.I have no knowledge whatsoever of trespassing incidents or reports to the Sheriff’s Office last year, nor was I ever contacted regarding any such incidents, so I am more than concerned over that allegation as I would have addressed such an issue immediately. I have spoken to a few of your club members that have asked me if it was OK to drive through and park on my property to get to their stands. There seems to be about 4 or 5 stands that either overlook my property or are within a couple hundred feet of my land or closer. (I think that they know that I feed the deers here at the resort for our guest to see) At that time, they indicated that they had talked about the trail rides in your meetings. I asked them if I could attend a club meeting to help answer any questions or to address the trail riding issue as a whole. They didn’t seem to think that there was a problem with us using a cut through in the off season. However, at another time other hunters stated that no horses would be allowed on the property. Either way, I wasn’t invited to attend a club meeting and I have honored your policy of no trail rides onto hunting club land at any time. Please understand that not only am I a business owner and make every effort to be professional, but also I prefer to be a good neighbor and have gone to great lengths to insure my employees do not trespass onto anyone’s property. Nonetheless, when anyone in this vicinity has overstepped the boundaries, the blame seems to fall back only on Gold City Corral. Needless to say, it is very frustrating for me as I truly wish to be a good neighbor and abide by the law and other’s rules while at the same time trying to stop trespassers and poachers on my property as well. We seem to share that concern and dilemma.Thanks again for your e mail and the information.Call me anytime.David *****


I had a fantastic ride!!! The half day trail was more intense than I expected but I loved it!!! I adored Dusty, our guide, who made our journey entertaining and safe!! He was very familiar with the personality and attitude of the horse I was riding which made the whole situation even more perfect! Also there are chickens, puppies, and fuzzy kitty cats all about the stables....such a great atmosphere!!! I will definitely return! Thank you Dusty!


What nice, professional people! They have great horses and these people KNOW horses. Very considerate of younger riders and the group dynamic. Highly recommended!


We went horseback riding the first day we arrived at Forrest Hills Resort, and Dusty and his crew were almost finished for the day, actually packing it in when we checked into our cabins. The front desk called Gold City to see if they would take guests on another ride, and they took down all the tack and got the horses ready. We had planned on only riding that first day, but my daughter and her friend rode every day we were there. Dusty and his crew made sure every rider was matched with the right horse based on their comfort and experience level. I've owned horses most of my life, have gone riding on several vacations, and have unfortunately experienced many "barn sour" horses. These horses were NOT those type of horses. This was a very enjoyable experience. Kudos.


Thanks to Gary at Gold City Corral for setting up the perfect Birthday Trail Ride for my granddaughter (age 9). The horses were beautiful, the scenery was awesome and our guides (Dusty and Christina) were the perfect hosts. Would recommend this experience to both novice and experienced riders. I am sure we will make the trek back!


If you get Dusty and Hannah, you are VERY lucky. They both make you feel comfortable about riding and actually talk to you. They wanted to know about you, and they wanted to tell you about them! I loved it. We had great horses, and I can promise you will we be back in the very near future!


We are experienced horse people from south Florida, all our family members are involved in the AQHA show circuits, we to take in rescue horses, it is obvious the person who wrote the review about the underfed horses has not had any experience with starving rescued horses, we thought your horses looked fine a few weeks ago, we were able to identify your older ones from your younger ones and the horses you were bring back after rescue, why, because we do this ourselves , it takes time to put weight back on a horse that has been starved, we have rescued horses that made me cry..and some we had to put down…she should have asked first before writing such an article, and yes it cost to keep horses well fed and a lot of work to keep them healthy, maybe she should take one in and nurse it back to life….Gold City Corral and all the young people who take care of your horses, GOD BLESS YOU….these horses need you…..Thank You for caring…….


Great way to spend a birthday! Very relaxing and tranquil. The 1 hour guided tour was the perfect amount of time for us novice riders to take on a first try. Our tour guide was very informative and helpful. They even match your "personalities" to your horses and give instructions on how to hold the reigns, etc., before you take off. However, sometimes the horses had a mind of their own, which just made it all the more fun, with more laughter and greater memories.


I hesitated going after I read the review about the horses being underfed. I am an animal lover and come from a family of critter lovers. the last thing I wanted to do was show up and support a place that neglected animals. I happened to forget about that particular review as I read so many different reviews. My dad actually suggested that we stop as we were leaving burts pumpkin farm. I'm glad we stopped at golden corral. The staff were friendly, welcomed us immediately, and started talking to us like we were family(not the weird kind of over friendly). NO animals looked like they were malnourished.There was actually multiple staff tending to the horses (hands on grooming and changing shoes) as we arrived.The staff saddled up a small horse, Emily tornado, for my 4 yr old to ride. The guide was very professional ,patient and good with my 4 yr old. I offered to pay at the end of the ride and was told pony/smaller horse rides were NO CHARGE and to just tip my guide( which I already had done $20). I gave an extra $20 b/c I would have pd that or close to that any where else. I recommend this for anyone riding for the first time...or even advanced. From what I could tell this place was more relaxed on experienced riders (but still safety was priority). I plan to post pics. hope this helps


My name is David, Owner of Gold City Corral for 30 years... Where as I appreciate your concerns and caring for animals, I would have wished that you would have asked us about these horses. Our motto is "If you take care of the horses then they will take care of you". Over the last few years as the economy has dropped Gold City Corral has taken on no less than 15 starving horses (Rescued from owners that wouldn't, or couldn't, take care of them). Of them only one passed away due to the fact that he was too far gone despite four months of intensive work. Unfortunately, we do not have pasture that we can "hide" these horses and they can be view by the public. People don't know that they are on their way back up for starvation. . All horses are fed grain twice a day, some three times. We go through over 2 tons of high grain feed a month, over 200 round bales of hay a year as well as over 2500 square bails, we add supplements as needed to the feed, plus pastures. We average 30 horses. One of the horses is 33 years old, (been here for 31 years) no back teeth, tongue was cut in thirds when he was two and was the best horse any trail guide would ever want. He has a full rounded belly but we can not get weight back on his hips. He is on a liquid diet three times a day. Most horses that we buy or receive are malnourished and in need a attention. We take on these horses because these horses are in need. Yes we can find fat and healthy horses that would make our stables look good right off the bat, but it's like going to the pound for a cat of puppy... you are saving their lives. Once a horse has lost weight it is a challenge to build the horse back up. Many variables play their hand. This year we have had close to 100 inches of rain which has played a big factor to this process. We have also found that by exercising them (riding them a few hours a week) it not only builds their muscles but helps them create a better appetite, a good attitude and they get a sense of belonging with the pack. I've seen horses go into a depression and lose their appetite when separated and not worked with the other horses. We are all animal lovers here. Not only do we care for the horses but we have successfully capture, tamed down, got fixed, vet shots, de-wormed ( and anything else that was wrong ) to over 300 kittens and cats. We found good homes for over 250 of them and maintain 4 feeding stations for 26 cats. They will chase off the other feral cats and not give them a safe place to breed thus helping to hold down the population. (One cat is in my face wanting attention as I type this and another one is laying on my computer). We feed the deer, birds, squirrels, fish and apparently a few opossum, raccoons and even some bears (dumpster diving). Once again I truly appreciate your concern for animals, the fact that you felt this tells me I need to come up with a way to let people know what we do here as others may have also thought this. If you would come back today you would not recognize the horses that you thought was underfed back in August. May God bless you and all animal lovers!


Best $12 for a Couple I ever Spent. The Driver was excellent. He is for filling his late girlfriends dream of operating this company. It weaves it way around the square and totally set the mood of the evening! They even lifted my friend up on the horse for photos. Just up the Street from the Porter House and across from several other fine food places. The corner by the welcome center. Only wish it would have lasted longer than it did, made you want more time in it. Well worth the Value!! Beats Helen hands down.


We came here for Easter Sunday to ride with our families. The prices are very reasonable, especially for a large group (6+). The staff were very friendly and helpful. We had a couple people who had never ridden, and they were able to give them a quick tutorial and made them feel very comfortable. If you are looking for a nice place to ride, this is the place.


THe staff/guides were very knowledgeable and friendly. Mde the experience much more fun and relaxed. One hour is just long enough, especially if you have never ridden befre.


We toured Historic Dahlonega in a fine carrige pulled by a perfectly matched pair of black horses. Came back with friends the next night and they had swapped for a perfectly matched pair of greys. Very pleasent evening ride to see some really nice Victorian homes from the Gold Rush era. No wonder this place is one of Atlanta's favorite destinations.


We enjoyed this slow paced ride, the drivers are nice and the horses are friendly. It was not a short ride and worth the money.

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