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壮观的景致,令人叹为观止,所有的赞美也无法形容水道桥的伟大构思。全长800公尺,拱门有166座, 由120根柱子撑起。全部没有采用水泥或一根钉子接着,堪称人类最伟大工程之一。
塞哥维亚输水道(西班牙语:Acueducto de Segovia)是一座位于西班牙古城塞哥维亚的水道桥遗迹。从火车站步行十分钟可到,附近有很多商店餐厅,算是小镇中心了。这座水道桥除了是伊比利亚半岛上最雄伟,也是保存最好的古罗马遗迹之外,也是所在地塞哥维亚的象征,从不同角度,可以拍出很棒的照片。
游览塞哥维亚的线路非常简单,你几乎不需要地图,尽管汽车站信息处的妹纸会拿着图仔仔细细地告诉每个人一遍。纵贯全城的游览路线,一头是著名的高架水渠El Acueducto,另一头是传说中的睡美人城堡Alcazar。为了避开一起下车的人流,我们决定先去城堡。
从马德里坐大巴到塞哥维亚 非常快就能走到水道桥 非常壮观 2000多年的历史 完全没有用水泥堆砌而成 可以爬上桥的顶部看一下小镇的全貌 很美
The aqueduct was easy to find and very interesting to see up close. The fact that no mortar was used and extremely heavy stones were fitted together so precisely was amazing. The view of the aqueduct at sunset is worthwhile.
If you drive up to see the Alcazar castle, this is an amazing site to see and take a couple of pictures. It is so large and so well preserved, it is hard to believe it is real and not re-created with modern technology. Worth a couple of pics and having a snack at one of the local restaurants.
To see this amazing Roman architecture that is still standing is a testament to the skills of the builders. It really is worth the 30 minute trip from Madrid to see. We didn't walk to the top because we were on limited time with a tour group but standing underneath the massive structure was amazing enough. Photos really do not do it justice! The town is very attractive as well with lots of little shops, stalls and restaurants around the square.
The Segovia aqueduct is, simply put, one of the most incredible sights to witness. The fact that this gigantic structure is still standing today is a testament to the effort put into building this wonder. The square the Aqueduct is located over is a main tourist location in the town with many stores and restaurants for you to shop at or rest an eat or drink while you take in the sight. I suggest that you follow the aqueduct all the way out of the square until you can stand above it and see the inside. It's quite amazing.
The aqueduct was impressive but it does not take much time to see it. Also, A LOT of children hang out here at night. Go to the top of the aqueduct to see a great view of the city. There are only stairs but they are not exhausting.
This structure of the 14 hundred shows the great effort and success to bring water into this town, with basic technology and tools only.