convento de san jose - museo teresiano
4A地址: 暂无
开放时间: 暂无

A long hot search for this: I had hoped it might even cap the Encarnacion - but NO. It was not well-staffed and the janitor seemed to have little interest in how his visitors were finding the visit. Also, there are still nuns in this convent, so there is not so much freedom to wander & explore. There were objects and statuary, but it did not convey the person of Teresa or what she was about.
My hubby and I are Protestant so we were unfamiliar with the significance of some of the images depicted in the museum and church. We were give a brochure in English which helped.
If you're willing to believe just about anything, enjoy the suffering of others, read Spanish and fancy some time in an underground museum, you're in luck! Otherwise, don't bother. The labels in the museum are entirely in Spanish, so if you're not that great at the language you'll struggle to make much of it.
I had wanted to come here for many years. The museum is small but packed with dozens of artefacts related to La Santa Madre. It was quite something to be there. Teresa's chair, part of her habit, instruments she used to play ... However, the museum tells me where Teresa was, the Church next door tells me where she is. The little chapel of the first convent of San Jose founded in August 1562 is stark and very simple. That is where I felt her presence.Photos in the museum are not permitted but are OK in the 1562 chapel and the 17th century church. This was the highlight of my visit to Avila.
Se supone que Sta. Teresa nació aquí, lo cual será cuestión de fe.La de acceso a su supuesta habitación está muy recargada con sus imágenes.Los voluntarios te ofrecen comprar 'reliquias', algo de dudosa autenticidad a estas alturas de la Historia.
Local aonde ainda se pode comprar doces feitos pelas freiras. Não gostei da atitude dos dois empregados do museu que por vezes vinham espreitar parecendo desconfiar que nós iriamos mexer nas coisas
Vale a pena conhecer.Apesar de pequeno, o museu tem muitas relíquias sacras, e pertence ao convento.O passeio é bem bacana.
Me encantó todo lo que ví en ese convento, es el primer convento de la orden de los Carmelitas Descalzos que fundó Santa Teresa de Jesús en el año 1562, en el se encuentran muchas reliquias de Santa Teresa, como es el primer ataúd donde estuvo sepultada la Santa, y se puede orar en la capilla original de este primer convento, es una experiencia muy espiritual.
Para los fans de Santa Teresa que son legion, ,donde podran ver objetos de la Santa y su vida familiar. Si tienes poco tiempo, yo elegiria otros lugares de Avila.
Localizado na Calle Las Madres,numa área fora das muralhas históricas da cidade.É um Mosteiro de carmelitas Descalças de freiras da cidade de Ávila,sendo o primeiro a ser fundado por Teresa de Jesus,construido no século XVI.O Convento abriga em seu interior o Museo Teresiano com vários objetos da arte sacra ,e destaca-se também em seu interior a Capela de Los Guillamas.
Lugar de culto a Santa Teresa, es curioso ver objetos propios de Santa Teresa. Visita incluida en la tarjeta de visita de Ávila.
Iglesia que te transporta a la época medieval, muy barroco , mucho dorado . Santuario majestuoso . Excelente el mantenimiento . Para no dejar de visitar
É um museu bem organizado, embora pequeno. Está cheio de peças sacras antigas pertencentes ao Convento e que contam a história do santo que lhe dá nome.
Carece del valor artístico de otros monumentos centrándose mas bien en los aspectos religiosos con cierto carácter comercial