convento las claras
4A地址: 暂无
开放时间: 暂无

Nice exterior but not much to see inside as it is the local library' not sure why this is on the must list
The outside of this building is quite plain but once inside, there are multiple reasons to be awed by the art and architecture. The altar is the centerpiece.
This convent has a rather strange set-up. A very friendly woman shows people around but you can only get in every hour or so. The lady escorts you to various parts and then lets you look around yourself or at times accompanies you. There are lots of wonderful things in this convent including medieval wall frescoes which were discovered relatively recently. You can also go up to above the false roof of the church so that you can see the beautiful wooden original ceiling. Attached to the convent is a comprehensive museum of village life which was donated by a priest who lived for years in the village and who acquired lots of interesting material. This is definitely worth a visit.
We visited this during our recent trip to Salamanca. At first, when we turned up, we couldn't work out how to get in, even although there was a timetable of guided tours (they seem to run over 50 minutes from 9.30 when they're open). Another visitor managed to find a nun and we were able to go on the tour. It costs only €3, but is worth far more.The nun didn't speak English, but they have an information leaflet in English that has a very good explanation about what you see. And what you see is absolutely enchanting.There are lovely 14th C wall paintings in the lower choir that were uncovered in 1976 after some whitewash was taken off. These are in varying states, but really interesting.The bits of the cloister that you can visit has a great wooden ceiling. Upstairs, you can see into the church, which has a tremendous golden altarpiece. But the two standout things are the coffered ceiling and the ethnographic museum they have.You have to walk over the top of the church ceiling (a weird experience) and then you get to see the most amazing ceiling from the 14th C, with great paintwork. It really is a great sight and all the more interesting for being so unassuming. The small museum shows various artefacts from working life gone by and is a nice insight into the rural trades. There is also a large collection of nativity sets form all over the world and other various religious artworks.The nun who showed us around was charming, full of smiles and very friendly. It is a very appealing place to visit and was our favourite place to visit in Salamance, after the cathedral. The other convents and monasteries are good in their own way, but the personal touch from seeing one of the nuns made the difference. A good place to visit and you get to see some great things.
It is sort of tricky to find the place, even more so to get inside, as it is an actual convent, so they have a very strict schedule of admission.Nevertheless, once you manage to get inside, you would not regret it, a huge collection of dolls and figurines is delightful, and this alone justifies the very modest price they charge. Beside that, they have an impressive assortment of different tools, household items, etc. etc., a bit on the ethnographic side.The ability to see the original ceiling design by means of literally walking atop the new ceiling is an unique experience not to be missed.There is but a single thing that I could not understand: as it is an actual convent, the tour is strictly guided, so that nobody wanders off by mistake. So — we were greeted by a younger lady that spoke English pretty well, and a slightly older lady that barely spoke any English at all. Guess what? We were guided by the lady who did not speak the language (though she warned us of the fact in advance and did her best to try). The younger lady was there all the time, smiling and translating the harder parts. Why? This seemed absolutely irrational. Anyway, a great visit, a wonderful experience, very informal and... touching.
a edificação do século XVIII é uma mistura de estilos arquitetônicos.A entrada é paga e assim ajudamos na conservação do prédio.
Muy poco conocido hasta por los salmantinos. La visita es guiada y la persona que la hace es muy amable. La entrada es de tres euros y merece realmente la pena por ver el artesonado que estaba oculto sobre la falsa cúpula. Es verdaderamente sorprendente poder ver algo tan antiguo desde tan cerca, literalmente a la altura de los ojos. La policromia se conserva bastante bien. Una tesoro a descubrir
fue todo un acierto ir a este convento. La guía muy agradable y hace la visita muy interesante. Puedes ver las bóvedas por dentro, las vistas del mirador de las monjas, y los frescos. Me gusto mucho.
Por apenas 4 euros, pode-se entrar neste convento que tem um exterior simples, mas um interior impressionante! O passeio pode ser feito de dia e de noite. Observe o altar central e os afrescos medievais. Imperdível!
O Convento Las Claras pertence a Ordem dos Franciscanos ou Clarissas.Foi construido no século XIII com vários estilos arquitetônicos predominante em sua edificação como o estilo Gótico,o Renascentista ,e o Barroco.Em seu interior um maravilhoso pátio central com um belo jardim no centro ,rodeado por uma fascinante arquitetura de nas colunas e seus arcos com belos detalhes esculpidos na parte onde se destacam as varandas.Chama a atenção também o retábulo da Igreja,o órgão Barroco do século XVIII ,e as belas pinturas nas paredes.
Uno de los lugares menos conocidos en Salamanca pero con mayor carga históricaTiene una encina en el patio que ha sobrevivido durante un montón de siglosMerece la pena entrar a verlo aunque este algo apartado del centro históricoLos horarios son reducidos pero la vista de los artesonados restaurados merece la espera
Preservado e bem iluminado! Bela arquitetura! Fui de noite e adorei! vale a pena uma visita! Tirei belas fotos!
Merece la pena la visita que, al no estar masificada, el guía se entrega en cuerpo y alma. Está algo apartado del resto pero merece la pena el desplazamiento.
La visita al convento de Las Claras es mas que recomendable, con un museo etnologico mas que curioso y guia personal para la visita. Entre muchas maravillas que esconde, puedes ver frescos del siglo XII y la parte superior de la cupula de la iglesia con unos ornamentos bellisimo, recomiento muy mucho la visita.
es un monasterio con varios estilos,entre los que se encuentran frescos, y una parte mozarabe encalada por no se que enfermedad antaño.La parte de arriva es el tejado donde hay pintadas burlasLa entrada CON EXPLICACION vale 3€ cuando fui yo,bien merecidos,y luego te dejan mirar a tu aireNo dejeis de comprar postales a la entrada,yo me lleve 2 de burlas,una a mano alzada y otra la foto original