grote markt
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My husband and I enjoyed walking around. The place is very mysterious ay night. The old hall entrance is worth seeing. Very nice restaurant around.
Generally found Nijmegen to be modern, architecturally unappealing, and NOT in appearance "the oldest city in the Netherlands." Hardly worth a longish trip from Leiden on the train. Thought Arnhem had more to offer, visually, than Nijmegen.
It does have a large market and it is surropounded by beautiful buildings leading to Stevenkirk. A nice town centre
A lot of nice cafes and restaurants to spend an afternoon. Don't forget to take a look at the Stevens church, very nice.
These fortunatly spared houses of the intense bombardment of nijmegen in februari 1944 are worthwile of a visit. There is also the oldest pub of Nijmegen "de blauwe hand" (the blue hand) and the waag gebouw are very pretty. The contrast is great with the opposing buildings of the post war construction period.
Grote market place is situated in nijmegen town square and is an ideal market to get most household items and usual market gifts,it stretches a fair way along the highstreet and compliments the surrounding buildings of yesteryear,price wise it is slightly cheaper than the shops but its real beauty is its location and the beautiful buildings that adorn my view it rates perhaps one of the most pretty and idealistic market squares in europe,well worth a visit if only to" admire the scenery."
I visited this lovely town on a Sunday when people were taking advantage of the good Spring weather to shop at the market stalls and relax at tables and the streets and town square chatting, eating and drinking. The Markt with its old historic buildings is a very short walk from the river.
Perfect for shopping, walk and enjoying yourself at free time. Lots of cafees and small bars give You opportunity to drink or eat something delicious.Try kibbeling - typical dutch fish fried in deep oil. Delicious!
Simple yet elegant with well-preserved historic buildings and several cozy cafes. The actual market is quite diverse in products and has an authentic Dutch feel to it. A short walk away from the Waal quay and the main shopping streets.
When you walk on the Grote Markt and look around, you will notice the nice mediëval atmosphere. There many good restaurants and it's a good location to discover the city.
I must visit this square everytime I'm in Nijmegen, especially during the 4 Days March or market days! I feel like I'm a young Dutch girl many centuries ago. The architecture is incredibly interesting, without the intrusions of more modern buildings mixed-in. I recommend walking up and down the small streets on all sides to explore the details especially the windows. Excellent!
Here you are along with the statue of Nijmegen's girl who told the devil where to go. The west end is all medieval with a beautiful example of an old trading hall. Sadly American bomb aimers, not checking their maps correctly, destroyed much of the city on a busy Saturday marker day in 1944. The result hard edged facades of large retail shop owners leave a post-war low budget architectural scar. H & M have moved into a building of 1920's good design that maged to survive. Whatever the dichotomy it is on the two market days and weekends that a colourful array of stalls sell everything from fruit and vegetables. A must is to eat the baked fish and when the new herrings are available to eat raw with onions. Stalls galore. You can buy all those little itmes you want for do-it-yourself jobs. Then there are the dresses, socks and standing up like many shapely legs of Molulin Rourge dancers, shaped plastic holders of colourful stockings that would suit Mayfair, or Manhatten but also a festival of Goths. On the Grote Markt irtself many cafes with outdoor terraces. But my watering hole is The Samson, just 40 metres Plein 1944.
This is a part of Nijmegen that survived the 2nd world war. This place gives you an impression about how Nijmegen looked like before 1944. Nice terraces ....
Cada vez que acudo a esta ciudad no dejo de repetir la visita de cada sábado. Su mercadillo no deja de impresionarme y sus bares y cafeterías te envuelven de esa atmósfera medieval. No olviden ir en sabado
Een weekendje shoppen en wandelen door Nijmegen... Op vrijdag was het oh zo rustig... we hadden het gevoel dat we bijna alleen waren... Shoppen in de Lange Hezelstraat, naar de Grote Markt en zo richting Van Welderenstraat... 's Avonds gaan eten in de Smaak van Croy - Gofferthoeve.Op zaterdag noch eens maar dan de markt afschuimen. Ik vond de markt wat tegenvallen maar Nijmegen bleek plots te bruisen van het leven! Lekker eten in De Heerlijckheid (in de Lange Hezelstraat), achteraf nog een koffie en een thee in Met Passie (in de Van Welderenstraat) en dan langs de vele decoratie winkels. Best gezellig! Maar nu zijn we nog niet op de Waalkade geweest. Misschien nog eens terug gaan in de zomerperiode om te wandelen en te fietsen? Het is dan ook een zeer mooie streek...