la cour d'or


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la cour d'or



Metz has a fantastic history, from its Gallic origins to its rise to prosperity as a Roman city along the Limes border to its rise to importance as a major hub of the Carolingian empire. Metz has been continuously inhabited for thousands of years by various groups, all of whom have had a lasting impact on this truly unique jewel of Lorraine. This museum, which was free when my brother and I visited on a recent backpacking tour of Europe, brilliantly covered these thousands of years of architectural, cultural, and artistic history. I believe the museum normally costs around ten euros, but the price of admission is well worth it.The museum itself is built upon the excavated remains of the Gallo-Roman baths that were built here and expanded in the 2nd century. Visitors can tour the bath's foundations, including walking through a small surviving tunnel of the aqueduct that fed the baths, and gaze upon an impressive collection of Roman and Gallic archaeological and cultural artifacts.A section of the 13th century street is preserved in another section of the museum, and visitors can look upon the well-preserved houses and structures.The museum also boasts a fantastic collection of local Roman to Renaissance art; a section detailing the history of the Jewish quarter of the city; early, middle and late Christian artifacts; some arms and armor; and much, much more!An absolute must see to gain a better appreciation of the city-- allow yourself at least an hour or two to go through, (or maybe 3 if you really love archaeology/provincial Roman bath sites..)Most of the signage is in French, and the staff mainly speaks French, so a basic understanding is helpful if you have questions for the staff and guides/if you want to read every sign, but it isn't absolutely necessary! Bon voyage!


With the opening of the Centre Pompidou in Metz it seems that all attention is being converged on it. La Cour d'Or is an interesting regional museum presenting much of the region's art and history but it is laid out in an old stylish way striking the difference between this old establishment and the imaginative, bright and highly attractive Pompidou Center. The signs indicating the way to follow are austere and you easlily get lost in the Museum. Interesting parts were closed during our visit.


The museum is built on 4 historical buildings - one of which, the old Merovingian royal palace, was constructed on the Gallo-Roman thermal baths. The museum offers a very fine collection of Gallo-Roman artefacts, which give a great insight into every life in Divodurum Mediomatricum - the name of Metz in the Gallo-Roman period. Also the Medieval department is worth a visit - with Merovingian tombs and the chancel of the Medieval church Saint Pierre-aux-Nonnes. We came in the afternoon and spent a lot of time in the Gallo-Roman department - therefore we missed the departments of architecture and fine arts. But Metz is a great town - so we will be back.


La Cour d'Or is large and diverse enough to keep you for a full day. It spans all the way from Gallo-Roman times to modern paintings. Collections are always interesting , often fascinating, as is the case with its archeology and middle-ages departments. The buildings (it is made of multiple buildings cobbled together) are also interesting in themselves. Displays are simple, clever, elegant. I totally lost the feeling of being in the heart of a modern city as I embarked on many hours of time travel. Highly recommended!


This museum was built on top of Roman ruins (which you can see), it takes you on a trip from the Galo-Roman times to modern times, through the early, middle and late Middle Ages.The Museum building are often as interesting as the collections.


Very big museum, you will need several hours if you want to read and study everything in detail. Bad points are: everything is exclusively in French, so if you don't know the language that's pretty bad... There are no audio guides in other languages. (in fact, there are no audio guides at all) The museum seems to be expanding all the time with new archeological finds, which makes it look a bit disorganized at times. Overall I found the collection quite impressive.


It's detailed, involves a lot of walking/stairs climbing, all in French, but very interesting to the history buff


Great museum that truly is a maze. I'm not a big fan of medieval museums unless they have at least one section with weapons, and this museum doesn't disappoint. I only gave it four stars because all the placards were in French (many European museums have native languages and English). Definitely recommend visiting here if you have the time or extra day.


This is a very fine museum, especially of archaeology & the early medieval period BUT a great deal of it is underground. Once down, there 'sens de la visite' twists & turns, you climb some stairs, then you go back down again. It will seem a long time until you see day light again & even then you go down again, up again ............ it is very confusing even with the map provided. Even our daughter who visited separately felt overwhelmed. My husband who is diabetic began to feel quite ill & I had to ask an attendant for the quickest way out for him. As a result, I missed a bit which was a shame. I slipped back into the Beaux Arts section after he was somewhat recovered but this was less interesting to me & I felt I could have missed it.


A fine collection of antiquities, historical artefacts etc etc But be aware that the Beaux Arts section is closed until the end of April 2012, so you can't see any of their famed paintings


Ce musée permet de mieux connaître l'histoire de la ville de Metz. Il est situé dans un ensemble de très beaux bâtiments et présente une riche collection d'œuvres d'art.


Sympa, beaucoup de choses différentes. Nous avons adorés MITHRA, la stèle et les explications.Avec le pass vous avez droit à l'entrée du musée de la cour d'or et à celui POMPIDOU


Un excellent musé! Qui mêle les ruines de thermes romaines trouvées dans les sous sols à de nombreux objets rassemblés ici! L'organisation chronologique du reste de l'exposition est très bien faite! On avance doucement dans le temps pour finir par quelques pièces de la renaissance et une galeries des beaux art bien fournie!Je recommande à 100%


Musée vraiment bien , très grand , très richeOn apprend énormément de choses et l'accueil est vraiment agréable



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