new castle banska stiavnica
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caste is really in good hape. a lot images and uniform weapon abaut turkish invasion in slovakia . is worth a visit . caste is diveded in 3 floors.
Banská Štiavnica was very reach town, during Turkish wars in 16. and 17th centuries very interesting aim for Osman soldiers. The citizen built good defend system with some fortresses and guard tower. The New Castle is one of them. Now it is used as a Museum about Turkish wars. Good visible dominant building with excellent view to landscape.
We've seen a LOT of castles throughout Europe and found this one to be unique both in its history and presentation. We don't expect a lot of English in this part of the world but the printed information we were given and the English descriptions on the displays were sufficient for in depth understanding. This is one castle we will include on next year's vacation with the grandchildren
This pretty square castle is very photogenic from the outside and has nice views of the town. The inside is now a museum with interesting history of the area- good collection of military instruments and uniforms as well as old maps and information about the Turkish occupation. Well worth a look and only about 3AUD to go in - cheap!
If you think you have time only for one castle visit, you are mistaken. Go to the Old Castle first (much more interesting) and when finished, you can stop over the New Castle, which has much less to offer apart from nice views. Actually the New Castle looks better from the distance, as it is nicely located on the top of the hill. The white square tower surrounded by four bastions is visible from almost everywhere in the city.
Zámok, ktorý postavili v 16. storočí ako obranu proti Turkom patrí k ďalšej pozoruhodnosti krásneho mestečka Banská Štiavnica :)Situovaný je na miernej vyvýšenine. Ale dostať sa k nemu nie je žiaden problém.V samotnom zámku je možné navštíviť zaujímavú expozíciu, vďaka ktorej sa dozviete o tejto historickej pamiatke oveľa viac.
Потрясающее место. Удивительное сочетание старины и современности. Очень красиво, чистенько и аккуратно
В замке размещена экспозиция посвященная турецкой экспансии. Будет интересно мальчикам (посмотреть оружие) и всем интересующимся историей.
Pas grand chose à voir, c'est tout petit, rien d'extraordinaire, sauf peut être la vue sur le reste la ville...Un musée se trouve à l'intérieur du château, mais il n'est pas souvent ouvert, je n'ai donc pas pu y rentré.
Das neue Schloss oberhalb der Stadt kann man aus allen Himmelsrichtungen sehr gut erkennen. Vor allem in der Nacht bietet es durch die Beleuchtung einen wunderbaren Blick, den man auch von oben genießen sollten. Zu unserem Besuch war es leider geschlossen, aber in den Reisebüchern stand, dass hier die Spionagetätigkeit ihren Sitz eingenommen hat, um über die türkische Bewegungen in der Stadt zu berichten. Um den Schloss herum wurden leider viele Bäume gefällt, damit man ein besseres Panorama genießen kann, es ist eigentlich schade. Es lohnt sich auch die Friedhöfe in der unmittelbaren Nähe zu besichtigen.