the chapel of st. john sarkander
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Visit here for a small taste of history, and for the lovely chapel. Also stop at the "Living Waters" fountain outside.
What a great thing to find.The architecture is beautiful and inside is so 'cute'. A passing Czech lady (who spoke no English) was keen for me to find it.
special architecture-good acknowledge for history-week-end free enter-org music super!
its pretty long ago i went there, i was nice, religious place
At the corner of two of the prettiest streets in Olomouc's historic old town stands a small neo-baroque chapel dedicated to the memory of Saint Jan Sarkander.Jan Sarkander is the closest thing that Olomouc has to having a local saint. A catholic priest at the time of the thirty years war, Jan Sarkander was suspected by the newly protestant authorities of trying to organise a polish invasion to seize the country back for the Catholics. He was arrested, thrown in jail, tortured to find out what he knew and when he revealed nothing was tortured again and again until he eventually died.When the Catholics were back in power after the war, Sarkander was beatified and the jail converted into a chapel in his memory. The original rack on which he was tortured is preserved in the old dungeons beneath the chapel and his gravestone gives a good indication of how it was used. The entire story is also relayed in great detail in English as well as Czech.Then other interesting thing in the below ground part of the Sarkander Chapel is the well that draws fresh water from the rocks beneath Olomouc. Despite being almost at the highest part of the old town (notice outside how all the streets run downhill), the fresh water line is a matter of only a few metres below street level.
nádherná kaplnka, jedna pani nás previedla po celej kaplnke aj s odborným výkladom. Stojí za to navštíviť.
Милая маленькая часовня св. Яна Саркандера, спрятавшаяся в пересечении улочек, куда можно ненадолго заглянуть. Во дворике бьёт символичный фонтанчик. Здание построили на месте бывшей тюрьмы, в которой был замучен католический священник Ян Саркандер. Повышать голос не принято: внутри можно увидеть редких молящихся, на потолке и стенах - красивые росписи и лепнину, а в подвале -- ту самую дыбу, на которой пытали Саркандера. Но он продолжал читать молитвы, переворачивая страницы книг языком...
Die Kapelle steht im Mitten der Stadt Olomouc. Es ist ein Rundbau von zwei Stockwerken,in denen die Geschichte von Sarkander gezeigt wird. Unteen sieht man das Folterrad, an dem er gefoltert wurde. Das hängte mit der Politik und Religion des 17. Jahrhunderts zusammen. In der Umgebung der Kapelle gibt es mehrere Kirchen und Sehenawürdigkeiten.