cimitero della certosa
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开放时间: 暂无

The peace and beauty of this place (including the gardens and green spaces) is breathtaking. The architecture (by Rosetti) is so well proportioned and harmonious that it lifts the spirit. We went there on bicycles and had the place to ourselves. Only downside was that the church was closed so we couldn't see the art inside
We appreciate the atmosphere and the garden. 15min by walk from the castle. If you are visiting Ferrara, I suggest to recover for half an hour here, then continue to visit this nice city.
The outside of the Certosa is anot as elaborate as the Certosa in Milan. The church as being cleaned so the inside was stripped bare for cleaning. We went to the cemetery because distant family member is buried there. Out side is very pleasant
We ended up here by chance, and what a surprise! This place is totally worth a visit. We were there on a sunday afternoon in july, Ferrara was almost empty and somehow magic.
Probably worth a visit, but personally I felt rather overwhelmed. Many of the Ferrarese lived quite long lives, including one lady of 104. It was a shame that the Certosa itself was not open, due to possible earthquake damage.
This was a lovely, quiet place to visit and walk around, listen to the birds and see places were whole generations of Italians are buried and remembered. Wide open spaces, many cloisters, some still closed when we visited.
Saw this from the air from a hotair balloon ride and had to go see what it looked like from the ground. Whole family historys here and, although the cloisters were closed due to recent earthquake activity, it was so interesting and not a bit macabre looking at the way the Italians revere their forebears.
It looks great but the cloisters are closed off after the earthquake so you have plenty to see but not as much access to a chronological timeline as I would have liked.
Un cimitero caotico e pomposo. . Un complesso di edifici storici che lo circondano. . La certosa è bella ma mancano quasi tutte le opere, causa restauro. Trovato un vecchietto simpaticissimo e disponibile che ha fatto gratuitamente sa guida!
Un cimitero davvero enorme dal punto di vista architettonico, peccato che il terremoto l'abbia fatto "ammalare" un poco.
Affacciatevi alla prospettiva della Certosa arrivando da Ercole primo D'Este; si apriranno i giardini davanti alla chiesa e l'anfiteatro della muratura che limita il cimitero...
è un cimitero molto antico ed è molto suggestivo, il normale silenzio che si trova nei cimiteri qui diventa surreale, perche' si trova molto vicino al centro,sembra che il tempo qui si sia fermato.
Находится практически на противоположном краю города от исторического центра. Тишина и покой царят в этом месте. Надгробия и склепы на кладбище - настоящие произведения искусства. Ощущаешь себя как в музее под открытым небом, хотя и немного неловко разглядывать памятники. Территория очень ухожена, но летом палит солнце и практически негде спрятаться, кроме как в галереях
Este complejo de singular belleza está dentro de las murallas de la ciudad en el corazón de lo que es la Adición o Apliacion debida al duque Ercole d'Este . y al maestro arquitecto Biagio Rossetti que juntos hicieron de la mia Ferrara la primera ciudad moderna in Europa . Fue fundada en 1452 como un monasterio de la Orden de la Cartuja y por lo tanto como era en uso en el momento fuera del perimetro de la ciudad por voluntad del duque Borso . La posterior construcción de la iglesia bajo el duque Ercole por mano de su arquitecto el Rossetti se acabo en 1551. La iglesia tiene una unica nave central con 6 capillas laterales , dos porticos dispuestos en los lados con templetes de acceso y un claustro. En la iglesia obras de muchos artistas entre los cuales Bastianino , Bastarolo ,Nicolò Roselli. Durante la época napoleónica , el monasterio fue cerrado y el complejo en 1831 se transformó en un cementerio de la ciudad , el más importante .Dentro muchas tumbas están decoradas con esplendidas estatuas ,aunque es un cementerio no puede dejarse llevar por el ambiente mágico que impregna este lugar .Muchas tumbas de personajes famosos del pasado y de épocas más recientes ,vale la pena recordar el duque Borso, los artistas Giovanni Boldini , Filippo de Pisis, Gaetano Previati e il gran director de cine Michelangelo Antonioni .Todavía están en curso los trabajos de restauración después del terremoto de 2012
La certosa monumentale di ferrara e' molto antica ristrutturata da poco offre uno scenario d altri tempi molto suggestivo ben curata i monumenti sono maestosi si respira un aria di pace e serenità la chiesa di s Cristoforo è un gioiello per chi ama l architettura e i dipinti d altri tempi da visitare e respirare la storia