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Resting place for more than 7500 Serbian soldiers who died in WWI. Immense human tragedy summoned in one place. Seemingly endless field off crosses, with names of ordinary soldiers and officers, all inscribed in the same manner, in Cyrillic. Place of silence, deep sadness, place that brings tears into eyes. Zeitenlik is also the resting place for approx. 8,000 French, 3000 Italian, 2000 British and 400 Russian soldiers.During our visit, we had the honour of meeting Mr Djordje Mihailovic who is the keeper, host and curator of the Serbian Military Cemetery at Zeitenlik.
Serbian military cemetery. The place where they buried thousands of Serbian soldiers who died on the Salonika front. Endless sea of white crosses with the names, and in the middle of the complex is the ossuary - a chapel.
this is a piece of the European History. A monument to the Global peace. All these people were sacrificed their lives for us. An ecumenical monument, a cemetery for Serbian, French, English, Italians and more. In one monument you can see the culture difference of the memorial tombs of the world, the different architecture from Bauhaus to Neoclassical Orthodox. A monument for those who left and for those who are still here. I am proud to have it in my Neighbourhood.You can also combine the visit of this monument with a visit of the Modern Art Museum in Lazaristes area in Stavroupoli. You can visit with Bus nr. 27 from Egnaita Str. 29 from Aristotelous Square, 56 and 38 from the Train station and Vardari and then continue walking ot the Modern Art Museum.
Great War Military Cemetery of thousands of Allies soldiers: Serbs, Brits, Frenchmen, Italian and Russians. It is unique feeling to pay tribute for heroes of the Great War
Zeitenlik is the largest Allied military cemetery (World War I) and memorial park in Greece. Those brave soldiers died in the battles on the Salonika front (mostly French, Serbian, British, Italian, Russian...). Thanks to pilots, now I now that parachutes were not available to these pilots during the First World War !!! Thanks to the all heroes who gave their lives for our freedom.
Zeitenlik contains the graves mostly of the Serbian solders ,approx 7000, but also of French,British, Italians,Russian soldiers and Bulgarians, who died in the battles on the Salonika front during World War I.Worth the visit for anyone who is interested in history
Zeitenelik is situated only 2.5km from the Thessaloniki city centre and if the day is not too hot it can be easily reached on foot. This is a complex of WW1 allies solders graves from France, Serbia, Russia, Italy and Britain. Being a grand-son of the WW1 veteran, my visit to his fallen comrades graves was an emotional one, especially on the eve of the 100 years since the great war started. This is well maintained complex well worth visiting and paying respect to heroes who have given their lives for their countries on a Salonica front. A breach of the front line held by a combined Bulgarian, Austro-Hungarian and German forces by Serbian and French armies in September 1918 led to the collapse and capitulation of Bulgaria and Austro-Hungary and to the ultimate allied victory and end of the WW1. A must for anybody interested in history.
Such an important memorial to see, a reminder of what could be avoided - the killing of so many soldiers in the WWI. As much as it reminds you of the futilty of a war, it also makes you appreciate the courage of those soldiers who defended their countries. Another thing you admire here is the order and neatness of this memorial kept by Djordje Mihailovic, a descendant of Djuro and Savo Mihailvic, thanks to whom the remembrance of many Serbian soldiers has been kept since the beginning of the 20th century.
Whilst this may not be everyone's idea of somewhere to visit on a trip to Thessaloniki, those who are interested in the history of Thessaloniki should make a point of spending time here. The massed graves are very poignant. The British graves which can be found at the rear of the cemetery are as with all military graves looked after by the Commonwealth War Graves Commission immaculately looked after - beautifully kept grass and flowers. It is sad that the Italian part of the cemetery is in quite poor condition.Visitors have left bottles of spirits and small glasses to toast those who fell.A special place.
For us It was very hard to find this place as Greeks don't call it Zeitinlik (because this is turkish word) so first of all when you try to reach Zeitinlik ask for old military cemetery (as even with GPS it's still hard to find except with geographyc coordinates but we didn't have them). Nevertheless i strongly recomend visiting of this historical monument specialy for visitors from Serbia, France, Russia, Italy and Great Britain as soldiers from this countries found their peac there. For us from Serbia talk with mr Djordje Mihailovic is something special as he is like live encyclopedia of serbian history, always ready to talk and always very friendly.i strongly recomend for everyone to put this place on your travel plan if you are in Thessaloniki
This is must see in Thessaloniki if you are interested in WWI. This is military cemetery where lies soldiers from Serbia, France and other allied countries. There is a Cemetery keeper - the Mihailović family holds that for three generations, and you can actually live history with him, he recites poems of war, he tells everything and give you a space to wonder through out the cemetery and the Mausoleum. You can find also in this cemetery monuments of soldiers that were muslims or masons... Epic and very dignified place!
Serbian military cemetery where are graves of soldiers who died in the battles on Salonika front during World War I. Most of the graves are Serbian, but there are allso graves of French, English and Russian soldiers.You will be more than welcome by the cemetery keeper Djordje Mihajlovic. He will tell you the most interesting and the most saddest stories about World War I, history after, and his struggle to maintain the cemetery functional.
Союзное кладбище - место, где можно встретить людей самых разных национальностей, а также представителей дипломатических миссий разных стран. Будете в Салониках, посетите.
Союзное кладбище Зейтенлик - это то место, куда надо идти не за зрелищем, а за ощущением. Само по себе кладбище, конечно, сильно отличается от тех, что мы привыкли видеть в России, но тут дело не в оформлении мемориала, а в том, какое количество многонациональных воинов пало в битве за единую цель и идею и теперь похоронено здесь. Рекомендую для тех, кто в путешествиях хочет и подумать, а не только созерцать.
Στα συμμαχικα νεκροταφεια του Zeitenlik βρισκονται θαμμενοι γυρω στους 20.000 στρατιωτες της Ανταντ που πολεμησαν στον Α' παγκοσμιο πολεμο στο μακεδονικο μετωπο.Υπαρχει Σερβικος,Ρωσικος,Ιταλικος,Βρετανικος και Γαλλικος τομεας.Στο Σερβικο κοινοταφιο βρισκονται τα οστα περιπου 5000 Σερβων.