trigonion chain tower
4A地址: 暂无
开放时间: 暂无

Ended up here by accident, after our taxi driver failed to find the intended byzantine church we had targeted. Not too much to see, but lovely views over the city and the bay.
Amazing place. Wonderful view, lovely atmosphere. Must go while in Thessaloniki. They have benches up there, so you can just sit and relax while watching this amazing town:)
This old tower offers the best view of whole Thessaloniki city view. You can walk around and enjoy the view for free! Definately recommend to visit the place!!!!
This is a beautiful old tower. The tower was looking caked the day we. Went so we could get up top but the view from the base was beautiful as well.
I have been here with a friend of mine and I would definitely recommend it. It is a walk up there, but it is worth the view. You can see the whole city, the sea, it is beautiful. And it won't cost you any money, just a little bit of sweat if you go there by foot.
The Trigonion tower offers the best view of almost all city of Thessaloniki.You get to the upper city and you can admire this magnifisent city.At the area there are some of the oldest houses of the city dating to the Turkish era.There are bars reastaurants but before everything the view of the city.
This Defense Structure took centuries to build and was completed by the Turks in the 16th century; it is well preserved and gigantic.Besides being a very impressive monument; it offers an excellent panoramic view of Thessaloniki.
One of the best (if not the best) spots to watch the city from... above! Fantastic view , where you can see some of the city's monuments, the sea, even Olympus mountain and the Aegean waters! Situated on a great area and the old Byzantine castles of the city, I would say that it's worth spending some time there. The visit there could be easily combined with a coffee, drink or a great meal around the area.
You can get a lot of photographs of Thessaloniki.You also can see the sunshine and the city lights.
The climb to the tower is a little bit hard in the summer days, but worth it; the views are spectacular and the Byzantine Walls nearby makes this attraction one of the best for photography lovers.
Место с потрясающим видом на город! Отлично подойдет для романтиков, историков, ценителей прекрасного и просто тех, кто хочет сделать красивые фотографии!)
сюда стоит подняться хотя бы ради того, чтобы увидеть город и море сверху. Вид замечательный. Крепость находится достаточно высоко и дале от набережной, поэтому лучше не пытаться проделать этот путь пешком. Добраться сюда можно на городском автобусе, такси или красным автобусом. А еще можете взять корм и покормить местных котиков.
подняться сюда пешком, да еще в жару, практически невозможно. Лчше воспользоваться красным туристичесикм автобусом или общественным транспортом. Вид отсюда действительно потрясающий.
Siamo saliti col bus 23 ( evitate di prenderlo dalle 12 alle 14 ,si viaggia schiacciati ,sempre se si ferma,perchè se troppo pieno salta le fermate) La parte alta di Salonicco è un po' una cittadina a sé.e merita una visita. Le mura mi hanno deluso, L'originale linea muraria non esiste più,sono rimasti dei "monconi" che spuntano qua e là. Bella la vista su Salonicco , qualche localino interessante dove poter pranzare.
Es una arquitectura militar bizantina. Se encuentra en la parte alta de Salónica. Nosotros fuimos en autobús, nº 50 (autobús cultural), que te deja allí mismo. A nosotros fue lo que más nos gustó de la ciudad. Tuve la sensación de viajar al pasado. Miraba sus imponentes murallas y todo el lugar estaba impregnado de historia. Desde allí se pueden hacer unas extraordinarias fotos de la ciudad, ya que tiene unas vistas impresionantes. Toda la zona está rodeada de estrechas callejuelas empinadas. Justo al lado de la parada del bus, hay una tienda de souvenirs a muy buen precio y muy amables. Recomiendo comprar allí los souvenirs, ya que en Salónica es difícil encontrarlos. También hay bares, con unas vistas magníficas. Para el que le guste caminar es aconsejable bajar andando por las callejuelas hasta la parte baja.