4A地址: 暂无
开放时间: 9:00-13:00;16:00-21:00

卢克索博物馆也位于卢克索神庙和卡尔纳克神庙之间,建于1975年,从外表看博物馆非常现代。虽然馆藏数量比不上开罗国家博物馆,但藏品别具一格,不乏很多稀世珍宝,更拥有新王国时代雕塑艺术品中的上乘之作。 博物馆内陈列着发掘卢克索宝藏时所发现的文物,以及在卢克索附近一些地区发现的法老遗物。比如图坦卡蒙陵墓里的古文物如神牛头像,整个头像除牛角外全部镀金,金碧辉煌、精美圣洁,最难得的是牛的眼神栩栩如生,如同在静静凝望每一位游客。用巨大的红色花岗岩雕刻成的阿蒙霍特普三世(Amenhotep III)头像。二楼有由283块彩绘砂岩板块重新安装而成的墙面,这些彩绘砂岩是在阿蒙霍特普四世(Amenhotep IV)的神殿中发掘的,上面雕刻了上百个古埃及的情景:田间劳作的农夫、手艺师傅的店铺、诵经祷告的祭司、王室成员祭祀神灵的仪式……目前展出的墙壁规模虽然只是当年的一小部分,却已经让我们感到无比震撼。 整个展厅气氛轻松,每件展品都被精心摆放,而这些展品也的确值得这番待遇。介绍展品的文字信息全面、准确。
Not very big as Museums go, but this is a Museum of Luxor and not the world. The presentation and lighting of the displays is very special and makes the objects even more interesting (if that could ever be possible)....some of the most beautiful and best preserved statues have been uncovered in the last 30 years....really makes you wonder what else is out there waiting to be found ! Well worth a visit.
we REALLY enjoyed our time in this museum (around an hour) we had a free morning whilst in dock on our Nile cruise and decided to head here, and so glad we did as its a lovely collection a amazing artefacts and a couple of mummy's. We were so happy to not have to have our tour guide preaching to us and being rushed along it was brill. It's 100 Ep to get in and I felt this a bit much. Would of been nice to have a few seats and benches around the place to have a sit on and soak up the atmosphere. We got stopped and chatted to a lovely Egyptian man that owned a boat outside, he's not a con man he took us on an amazing tour and told us loads of information and we got see some real Egyptian life. So if you bump into him don't be scared of him, he claims to of lived in London whilst training to be a tour guide. Let him help you in any way you may need and do take ride in his boat it's lovely.
Luxor Museum is all about quality, not quantity. Every artifact is very well curated. There are very well preserved and historically very significant pieces in this museum. While this place is often skipped by many, it should definitely be on the must see list.
This museum is well laid-out and you're able to see the mummies for free, unlike at the museum in Cairo. The pieces were also well-marked and categorized.
This place is clean and very well maintained except washrooms. Tickets are a bit high@100LE p.p. and many of artifacts are from Karnak areas. You need one hours to see the whole museum . Souvenirs shop is not worth buying
Well worth a visit if you want to see well preserved Egyptian Artifacts, some of the exhibits take your breath away, it's as if they could have been made yesterday, and not 5,000 years ago. Each of the Artifacts has it's own in depth explanation along side of it. Although the Musem itself is modern, as you go through the exhibition, you start to get the feel of real ancient Egyptian life.
Fantastic place with great exhibits. It is not too large so you can see it all without exhaustion creeping up on you.
As a wheelchair user, I was disappointed that I couldn't access the Mummy exhibition at the Egyptian Museum in Cairo. So I was absolutely thrilled with the Luxor museum who have 2 amazingly preserved mummies in their wonderfully accessible museum. The staff were very attentive, pointed us in the direction of the various ramps, platform lifts and even opened a private door to allow easy access to the Mummy area. One of the Mummies still had teeth and hair whilst the other had the most perfectly preserved feet! Be aware that in any of these museums and historical sites that photography is banned - however, you will either hear a pssssttt sound with someone offering to take your picture for a fee or else, if you do try and take a picture, you'll be stopped and told to pay a fee to avoid further action being taken.
The range of artifacts, including mummies and household goods, is truly jaw dropping and well worth an hour or 2 to visit. It is particularly moving to see a pair of perfectly preserved sandals from 3500 years ago that look like they could be for sale at a kiosk outside. My one criticism is that the attendants do not guard the artifacts very well - there were children clambering on to one statue.
Costs 100LE each for entry. We watched the quick 5 minute film in what we took to be the entrance area, straight ahead of security, but had to go back outside and along to the left of the building, (when standing outside looking at it) to get inThe museum is quite spacious with exhibits generally well separated and individually lit, each having a small board alongside in Arabic & English explaining the item exhibited. I was not aware of any major new exhibits since I last visited maybe 7 years ago.Notices saying ‘No Guidance’ and ‘No Photographs’ seemed to be ignored as and when felt necessary. Mrs eLaReF was looking at one exhibit when a guide with two people in tow arrived behind her and spoke in her ear, about the exhibit, in a very loud voice. She gave up and moved on.Someone in a leather jacket (keeper/custodian/guard?) asked if I wanted to take photos. We didn’t get as far as asking how much he wanted to look the other way – he could have been another visitor, but he eventually sat in a corner looking slightly more like an employee.Cafeteria was closed – not sure if just at that point or more permanent.