dead broke farm


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dead broke farm

Dead Broke Farm has a 110 acres of wood trails and more than 75 horses for...


We were welcomed in and provided service. The people and horses are very friendly. I called to make reservations for the day and received an individual who is doing what they can to keep this place going to serve horses that may not have had a home. And yet she is still making sure we are being provided for to make a passion that she has remain alive and give service and a experience to others. We had a delightful time. The horses are powerful and yet have gentleness for various riders. We were instructed well. For a place to be called "Dead Broke Farms", it gave us an experience of a lifetime. Keep moving on the trails, "Dead Broke Farms"


This place is awesome! We are new to the area so we had to find a family event for my daughter 14 would love her birthday. We booked a trail ride at Dead Broke and had an amazing time. My 3 kids, along with my husband and I were a little nervous for our first trail ride. The owner and her daughter led us on an hour of great fun on a beautiful property. The horses were great and we all loved it and cant wait to go back for my son's birthday in 2 weeks!They were so attentive to our every need. They explained every part of the trail and matched all of us with perfect horses.This is a perfect place to go for out of towners or locals with great prices! This is great for all ages also (our son is 9 and loved it too!


I went for two private rides in one week, and wished I could have done more. It took me a little while to learn how light a touch the horses needed--the two I rode didn't even need bits. They were easy to ride, responsive, and great trail horses. It's Western-style riding. The land is varied and scenic, with hills, woods, streams, and well-kept riding trails. We saw deer, hawks, and the large pastures that were home to the Dead Broke Farm's horses. It was good to see the rescued horses in a good environment. The horses get to "be horses." Carla is good at matching a rider's skill with the right horse. The better the rider pays attention, the more fun the ride. Besides, she's a good story teller. A first-timer can have a great time, and someone with a little experience can, too.


I have grown up, cared and rode horses all my life, and my daughter loves horses and rescue missions.She begged to volunteer here. The first few times I br ought her the male volunteers were nice. It goes down hill from there the owners daughter has a nasty attitude constantly arguing in front of paying guests not wanting to lead trail rides, she belittled the younger volunteers and yelled at them and the horses. Once I saw her hold reins for a girl as she sat on the horse look and as she held the reins texting the rider got thrown off and the owners daughter just kept looking at her phone not caring. The owner ran over while her mother just complained. I never brought my daughter back to volunteer even though i cared about their mission of rescuing no teenage child owners daughter or not should belittle volunteers or be rude to customers it is a shame.


I decided to take a private guided tour to celebrate Christmas with my girlfriend and my mother. They both love to ride a horses, but have not had the chance to do so in a very long time. The super friendly and knowledgeable staff were great, and made it an enjoyable experience for all of us. We traveled down to a private pond to enjoy a picnic basket I made along with enjoying the water and horses. We were able to let the horses run and get a full amazing experience. When we returned back from the ride we had a chance to talk to the owner about the farm, its history and her vision for the future. This is an incredible place that cares deeply about horses and giving them a great life. I highly recommend visiting best place to ride!


My boyfriend and I decided to take a private guided tour to celebrate his birthday. He had always wanted to ride a horse, but never had the chance. The super friendly and knowledgeable staff were great, and made it an enjoyable experience for everyone. We had some time down at the private pond to enjoy with the horses. On our way back, we were able to let the horses actually run for bit - what an exhilarating experience! The horse my boyfriend was riding decided it wanted a bath, and lowered itself into a river along the trail. It was pretty funny, and although he was soaked, it made it quite the experience. Afterwards, we had a chance to talk to one of the owners about the farm, its history and her vision for the future. This is an incredible place that cares deeply about saving horses and giving them a great life. I highly recommend visiting!


I wanted to share my recent experience buying a horse from Deadbroke Farm. I had ridden quite a bit as a child and through my teen years, but hadn't ridden seriously in over 20 years. I did keep a very, very old pony that I had rescued as basically a pet, but she had passed away several years ago (she was nearly 40 yrs old!). With my 2 youngest children now 8 and 11, my husband and I decided that it was time to make good on our promise to get another horse/pony "someday".I went out to Deadbroke and explained that I was looking for a "first"-type horse for myself and my girls. There were several horses available for sale at that time that were considered kid-safe horses and I eventually settled on a beautiful, extremely quiet, paint mare. Since taking her to another stable closer to my home, I have been continually impressed with this horse. I actually ride her out alone more often than not, but have participated in group rides with her as well. She has gone out on trails she has never seen, with horses she does not know, crossed bridges, mud, water; had a large dog she has never met literally run under her chin while out on the trail and given absolutely zero reaction to nearby target shooting, motorcycles, cars, and even a work crew using a staple gun on the roof of a building right next to where we were preparing to ride! She will lead, go in the middle, or go dead last on line equally well. She's what she was represented to be - quiet, dependable and kid-safe. My now-12 yr old, with almost no prior experience, now goes out into the pasture and catches, halters, grooms and tacks the horse herself. The now-9 yr old - who weighs all of 48lbs! - also confidently handles and rides the horse. The owner of the stable where we are boarding has been very impressed; says she is one of the sweetest horses on the place and everything Carla said she was.This was far from my first time buying a horse, and several things impressed me. First, that every horse on the place was in the same beautiful, well-kept condition as the one I bought. All horses had great, slightly rounded - but not rolling fat - weight on them. The only, very few exceptions were a couple of truly elderly horses kept on for sentimental reasons (it is virtually impossible to keep a lot of weight on old horses due to changes in their teeth, nutrition absorbancy, etc, but they receive a lot of supplements and everything possible is done to help them keep weight), some very recent rescues.Second - at the actual point of sale, Carla was able to give me very detailed information on my horse's health schedule. She had records of when, and with what, the horse had been wormed and what rotational schedule was followed for worming, as well as shot records, teeth floating and the farrier's last visit. I was impressed that her records were that meticulously maintained, especially given the number of horses she has.However, the single most impressive thing that I encountered at Deadbroke was Carla's refusal to sell me a horse. That's not a typo or an autocorrect. When going out on the first ride with the horse I eventually did purchase, I inquired about the horse Carla's 15 yr old daughter was ridng and which was for sale. Dana spent most of the ride on that horse completely backwards in the saddle, facing me, reins looped over the horn. Although I was already enjoying my horse, I couldn't help being impressed. After a quick conference with her mother, Dana told me that they were not comfortable with selling me that horse because of my extremely petite, timid, then-8 yr old, since they had not actually put young children on it. He had been great for beginning adults and teens, but since they had no definitive knowledge of how the horse would be for a young child, they were not comfortable with selling him to me. That is both rare and remarkable in horse sales; most people selling a horse will sell you anything that you are willing to buy, and it's just buyer beware.One thing I did want to mention, because I asked it too, is the question people may have about why a certain horse may be for sale. First, because Deadbroke makes a commitment to help as many horses as they can by rescuing, rehabilitating, training, and teaching these horses that people can be trusted, eventually some need to be sold to make room to help others. Although it is indeed a large farm and Carla and her staff work hard at doing all they can for the horses, their resources are not without limits. This particular aspect is similar to companion animal rescues; in order to save more lives, shelters and rescues need some adoptions to occur. Sales need to occur at Deadbroke to free up room for other hurting horses and to provide money for the sometimes extensive costs of helping them. Secondly, for many of these horses, far from being cast aside as some might think, their sale to a private owner or family is that horse's "happily-ever-after", and represents the culmination of their intial rescue or auction purchase. After a horse is rescued and rehabilitated, it receives extensive training, and after it has proven itself time and again, it has the opportunity to become one person's, or one family's, very special horse. Carla and everyone at Deadbroke truly love and care for these horses, but it is not quite the same thing for that horse as getting to bond with and love, and be loved by, someone that they recognize as "theirs". Anybody who could have seen my sweet girl this weekend lift her head and prick her ears while we were still 50 yds off, meet us partway across the pasture, and then standing being groomed (and her mane put into fancy braids by "her" little girl) with her ears still up, resting a hind foot and lower lip dropped (all signs that a horse is content and deeply relaxed) would probably agree that that was one happy horse who knows she is loved and is enjoying her life, just as we are enjoying her!


I took my son (7) to go horseback riding today and we both really enjoyed ourselves.This was our first experience at Dead Broke Farm. My son loves being around horses and we were looking for something informal; a chance to get on a horse and try riding. It ended up providing us with just the experience we were looking for.Carla provided instruction on the basics of horseback riding and keeping you and your horse safe prior to going out on the trail. The staff assigned us horses and helped us to get ready to go out, making sure that our saddles were secure and that the stirrups were a fit for me as well as my son. They talked to us about the horses and how they came to be at the farm while we were waiting for others to get their horses ready. I found them to be very helpful and informative and the fact that Carla has rescued these horses is amazing. While on our ride it was peaceful and the horses were well trained. My son and I were both happy with the horses we were assigned. It was a good way to be outdoors and enjoy the scenery on the trail which included spotting a number of deer while on our ride.All in all a great experience and my son is already asking when we can go back.


I have gone to Dead Broke Farm for several years and just love it! Carla, her mom and the staff are always so nice and helpful. I have learned so much about horses and riding horses from them. The guides are helpful and always very nice. The trails are just beautiful and I always leave with so much peace. I admire that Carla has taken in these horses and given them a beautiful place to live, plenty of food, and lots of love. I love the horses that I have ridden, each with his or her own personality, but all gentle and loving. These horses are good for the soul! I always look forward to my next visit because I love riding and the whole experience of Dead Broke Farm. This is the perfect place to escape for a beautiful and peaceful ride in the country .


I've ridden at Dead Broke Farms several times over the past few years. I've been with my kids as well as my girl friend. We always have a great time. The staff there is friendly and helpful. Do not expect anything fancy, no sunset champagne rides, no pampering, no elaborate lodges or barns, just good old fashioned, riding on a experienced horse.Get there ahead of time like they tell you to so that you can complete all the typical legal paperwork, get fitted for helmet and meet your horse. If you've chosen a group ride, be prepared to wait a bit while the other riders get set up. If you've decided to pay a little bit more and take a private ride (I highly recommend that) you may have to wait a bit, but you'll get to your horse in a short while, Hey, you're doing something fun, spending a hour or more out in the sunshine and beautiful woods. If you're in a wild rush, then consider doing the ride another day when you have some more time.Be sure that you wear the clothing that they suggest. Bring a bottle of water, especially in the hotter months. Also put on some bug spray that time of year. Like I said, you;re outside around horses, there are gonna be bugs. It's part of it.You'll ride with an experienced guide, who will help you and guide through the forest for as long as your ride lasts. Along the way you'll get a chance to walk or trot depending on your level of experience and your guide. You'll see some open fields, but mostly the beautiful lush forests of central NC. You can be as chatty or as quiet as you like with your guide. They are all horse people, who have clearly spent the better part of their lives around these animals and know them, as well as riding very well. Don't be shy about asking questions or asking for help. I'm sure that they've heard and seen it all before. On every trip they've been a delight to ride with and have answered, politely, every stupid question that I've asked.I highly recommend Dead Broke and will be riding with them many times in the future.Tripadvisor won't let me check multiple items, but this place is great for couples, families with elementary school or older kids and friends.


My 10 year old daughter and I visited Dead Broke Farm and had a wonderful time. Ms. Carla was great!! A couple of years after our visit I rescued a horse. Because I was inexperienced with horses I called Ms. Carla; she came out to my barn and spent about 3 hours with me and my horse. She is extremely knowledgable of horses and their behavior. Ms. Carla worked with Handsome and changed his bridle and bit which made a huge difference. Dead Broke Farm, Carla and her family are wonderful!!


While visiting my in-laws for Thanksgiving five of us saddled up at Dead Broke. We received thorough instructions- and many good tips for those of us who've rode before. Hunter demonstrated tips for a safe and enjoyable ride including some of the "why's" of how a horse responds to commands. Very interesting for a beginning rider. It's clear they care for their horses and know how to help the casual rider treat them well. It was a cool, sunny day (in the 40's) so we rugged up a bit and were perfectly comfortable. Ashley and Kristin were our guides for the ride and they led us through the most lovely sun-dappled wooded trails. The horses know the way which left me able to take in the beautiful leaf-covered rolling hills, fern-lined creeks and docile deer we encountered. I was near the front of the line (my horse Tammy Faye wouldn't have it any other way) and noticed Ashley was good at reminding us of and reinforcing the tips Hunter gave us during our ride. My brother-in-law had never been on a horse before and Ashley went back and gave him a bit of extra help when he had trouble giving commands. I felt safe and the terrain was varied so I was fascinated at every turn. We rode for an hour which was sufficient for me since I only ride once every few years. Hunter described a service in which they serve a picnic lunch to break up a 2-hour ride- that sounds lovely and I would have like to try that too- maybe next time!Our whole group (ages 40 to 65) enjoyed our ride and highly recommend these fine folks.


I had a wonderful time at the farm and decided to go back this November with more people. We took the two hour horse ride and the trails were amazing. The horses were well behaved and clean. They did not spend a lot of time eating on the trail and they listen well. The tour guide person was wonderful and gave us the opportunity to trot and gallop. I had a wonderful, wonderful time. I recommend this place to everyone. Skilled and first time riders.Thank youDonna


Me and my to be girlfriend I hope took the two hour private trail ride. I read mixed reviews before visitING the farm I have to say that the negative reviews are wrong. We both had the most amazing peaceful date one could want. I think the owner cares about what she does and is very frank if someone is not doing something right because she cares about the horses and riders.she is doing what a owner and boss should do. I will definitely be coming back this spring to ride again I rode bo who is a large draft hourse he was very responsive and I enjoyed every minute of the ride we also took a break at the pond it was so peaceful. Our guide did a fantastic job he was very knowledgeable and helpfull.


My husband and I wanted to start an annual tradition for our 2 young grandchildren. At the time they were living in the DC area, so we chose a "rural" activity to showcase the beauty of NC. Neither of us are experienced horsemen and were very cautious about a 3 year old and 5 yr old riding. The guides were warm and friendly and tutored us in safe practices while carefully fitting the kids with helmets. Two of them rode tandem with the children. Last year our grandson rode independently for the first time and was thrilled! Our grandaughter is finally big enough and will have her first solo ride this year...we can't wait!

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