russell military museum


地址: 暂无

开放时间: 暂无

russell military museum



I personally spent two years in the US Army and half of that was in Korea 1965-67. Seeing this outstanding array of old military equipment and vehicles brought back some fond and not-so-fond memories considering what these tanks, and planes did when in use. In any case, this is an excellent museum that I highly suggest any veterans nearby or passing through to stop in. The $10.00 admission is well worth it.I brought my 12 year old grandson with me and he really was fascinated by the different types of equipment. Things he had never seen before. However, he did ask me one question..."Papa, are these the same things I saw in the movie Saving Private Ryan?" I was pleasantly surprised that he remembered the boats, guns, tanks, and airplane from the movie. I showed him a newspaper highlighting D-Day, June 6, 1944. He said the pictures looked just like from the movie. Smart kid! By the way, kids admission is only $5.00.The museum will only be open until the first snow this year and re-open in the Spring. It's a very cool place to bring kids (not real young ones) and there are many interesting artifacts inside the enclosed building. Go see them for yourself. You will not be disappointed.


Took my Step-Dad. Retired Army Vet. Had a great time looking at all of the vehicles and related military gear.


This museum is both inside and outside, and offers a real smorgasbord of military equipment in all sorts of states of maintenance. Rusting tanks, jeeps, trucks, missiles, helicopters, Humvees, are strewn over a weedy, overgrown lot. All are labeled and there’s a lot there, but it can seem more like a junkyard than a museum, so it’s mainly a museum for military gear junkies only. Still, my teen enjoyed it, and yours will probably, too, so it’s a good way to spend a few hours when the weather’s good.


Estava retornando para Chicago quando vi, na beira da estrada, um "ferro velho"de equipamentos militares, e para mim que sou um apaixonado por aviões, tanques e qualquer tipo de máquina que tenha um motor, foi uma visão surpreendente.Na recepção há uma loja de souvenir com vários equipamentos e lembranças, tem até caixas usadas de granadas utilizadas pelo exército Americano a venda além de diversos outros itens militares. Há uma parte coberta onde existem atrações das muitas guerras que os EUA participaram. Mas o mais legal é a parte externa, onde um há muitos veículos, desde de Helicópteros (aprecie o Sikorsky CH-54 que é capaz de transportar 22 toneladas e tem rotores com 22 metros), diversos tanques, caminhões, jipes e até um caça F18! O museu como um todo poderia ser um pouco mais bem cuidado, pois realmente está tudo jogado ao tempo, mas é algo diferente de se ver e que dá um certo saudosismo!


Peux-t-on vraiment appeler cet endroit un musée... oui pour ce qui est exposé à l'intérieur du hangar ; l'extérieur ressemble à une immense casse spécialisée ! tout y est posé en vrac, les avions ou hélicoptères sont incomplets, et pour tant les pièces manquantes sont posées à côté ou 20 mètres plus loin ! Les blindés sont eux bien plus intéressants qu'il n' y paraît des prototypes rares, ou des versions d'engins introuvables, il y a des trésors cachés ici ! pour le profane, l'exposition ressemblera à un gros tas de féraille... j'imagine que ce n'est pas facile de gérer un musée, surtout si le nombre de bénévoles est restreint. Nous avons été très bien accueillis et nous ne regrettons pas d'avoir fureté et découvert quelques belles pièces au détour d'une allée !

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