4A地址: 暂无
开放时间: 暂无

索非亚王后艺术中心(Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia)下午的第一站是索菲娅王后国家艺术中心,里面主要是现代艺术,有毕加索、达利、米罗的作品。现代艺术大部分我都不太懂,相信很多人也一样,不过大家来这里,只看一幅画就值回票价了,就是《格尔尼卡》。以前看过这幅画的样子,课本上之类的,觉得有点意思,但是也没有那么有意思。亲眼见到以后才觉得真是很震撼,主要是画幅比想象的大很多,一面墙一样大,所以感染力就几何级数增长了。另外还有辅助的照片,揭示了整个画是怎么被一层一层画出来的,最开始各个部分都是完整的,然后再用颜色遮盖住,看上去像支离破碎的样子。不看还真以为就是简单画出来的,创造力真是不一样。一样贴个网图吧,原图真的很大!至于达利和米罗,达利的画看见的少,也没感觉,但是米罗的色彩还是有很鲜明的特征,辨识度很好,后来到了巴塞罗那,他的雕塑和地砖都是比较容易看出来的。西班牙的房子一般都是四边形的,中间一个庭院,这里也不例外。庭院里有一个作品,js说是贝聿铭的,我表示没见过。
有免费开放时间段,附近环境不错,和普拉多毗邻,庭院风景不错,秋日的阳光让人昏昏欲睡。陈列了著名的格尼林卡,此处不允许拍照,其他展厅不用闪光灯即可。没有米罗的la maternidad 有些小失望,下次去巴塞罗那时看吧。
You have to see Guernica. No matter how many times you've seen it online, in books, etc., there is nothing like seeing this massive painting in real life. A small model in the previous room explains its original placement in the Spanish pavilion during the World Fair. Reina Sofia has an impressive collection of 20th century art – Dalí, Picasso, Miró, and so on. Not to be missed!
Madrid is a beautiful city, with lovely architecture and beautiful gardens.A must visit is the art museum ,Reina Sofia,which houses some amazing works, though the jewel is undoubtedly the Guernica, by Picasso. This is considered one of his most compelling and iconic works.English speaking tourists will have a BIG problem in Spain, as they speak French, not English.As far as food goes, Vegetarians are advised to learn a few basics such as:NO pischi,(fish) No Carne (meat) No poulet (chicken).The Veg Tapas one can get are, fried potatoes, sautéed mushrooms, cheese, bread and omelets and salad.Eggetarians can order a TORTILLA, which is basically a dish of cooked potatoes,and onions baked in beaten egg. Wiith some bread and salad, this makes for a satisfactory meal.I did NOT wach a bullfight as I don't have the stomach for unnecessary killing pretending to be a Sport. You must see the memorial that has been created at the Atocha railway station which was bombed by the Al Qaeda . It is a backlit ceiling engraved with the names of all the victims. , and all around are eateries, ,greenery, turtles and fish ponds, benches to relax on...which serve the dual purpose of marking the memorial as well as making it a cheerful place to be in.
I've always loved Picasso and while I've seen lots of his work, Guernica always intrigued me. Let me just say, in person, it does not disappoint. The photographs of the painting in various stages of completion were delightful. Great museum! Free at night, I believe it's after 7 pm.
This museum is in a beautiful building with a gorgeous sculpture garden. The art is graciously displayed in rooms with high ceilings. The draw here is "Guernica" but there is much else to see.
Along with the Prado and the Thyssen it composes the big three of Spanish art museums in Madrid all within walking distance of each other. If modern art is your thing, this is your place.