parque natural fragas do eume
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It´s the best place to visit all the natural mysticism around Galicia.Water and trees are everywhere. This old-growth forest is an Atlantic temperate rainforest, with oaks as the most common tree. The monastery of Saint John of Caaveiro also lies within the park.The perfect place for a good hike session on a cloudy Galician day.
A wonderfull walk surrounded by nature, leading to an old monastery. Free guided tours in spanish. Arriving to a car park in high season there is a complimentary bus takes you from the visitors center to the monastery side. You will need to collect your ticket, and pre-book your seat acording to the schedulled buses. It´s very common to walk towards the monastery, and there are 2 routes leading to it. one follows the road, the second one is on a medium - hight dificulty route. It can take aproximately 1.5hrs to do the one way , and added point is that you can now have something to eat on the new bar blended in nature by the monastery, so you can have a " bocadillo" very decent size very good price. Public toilets also available there. At least count spending 3 hrs if doing this and more if walking both ways. If taking the complimentary bus to the monastery, it´s probable that 1.5hrs would be enough.
This park is simply amazing. It is a green wooded fairy tale kingdom.The natural park Fragas del Eume is situated near the town Pontedeume on the Atlantic Coast and got its name from the river Eume which flows through both.
Very beautiful remnant forest containing an ancient Monastry.I am told it has otters but we didn't,t see any
The natural park Fragas del Eume is situated near the town Pontedeume on the Atlantic Coast and got its name from the river Eume which flows through both. We have done many hiking tours in this natural park and love it because of its lush vegetation with a great variety of autochthonous plants (it must be said though that especially at the margins eucalyptus trees imported from Australia are invading the area). You can find ferns and other plants that only grow there, also a great variety of moss and climbing plants such as ivy. Some areas have dense vegetation reminding of a tropical forest. The river Eume gives a wild touch to the area, winding its way over stones and pebbles through the green jungle. At some places the water has a beautiful turquoise color.As for hiking tours, there are several accesses to the park, being the most popular the one from the town of Pontedeume, where you will also find a visitor’s center on the road. You can park there and walk along the river or also up to one of the many hills on one of the trails. You can also visit the monastery Caaveiro which is in the middle of the park (you need to go on a guided tour; sometimes you have to wait for one to start). During the summer months and weekends access on this road by car is only permitted up to the visitors’ center, but a tourist bus runs from there to the monastery, or you walk from there. There are several walking trails; I will talk about the ones we did. Near the monastery starts a route called Senda da Ventureira which follows the river close to the water upstream, and another one called Senda dos Encomendeiros, also along the river and in the same direction but at a certain distance from it, further away from the water. A third route called Ruta do Medievo takes you to the village As Neves (A Capela) uphill. Probably it is better to do this route reverse, leaving your car in the village As Neves (A Capela) and starting from there. To walk the Senda dos Encomendeiros you can also leave your car near the big hydropower station (go via A Capela) and start hiking from there, going downstream towards the monastery. There is also a narrow trail on the side of the river opposite to the monastery, which you can follow upstream. These trails are of easy to medium difficulty. If you want a real challenge (not for kids or inexperienced persons) you can also get alpine impressions at the end of the canyon with its walls of rock and much less vegetation. However getting there is difficult as there is sometimes no trail at all or one for goats close to the precipice. Sadly, at the end of March 2012, during an unusually dry spring, a fire burned an important area of the park. It did not affect the area close to the monastery but you will probably see its consequences during your visit (we have not been there after the fire so we cannot tell exactly).
This is the only place in Europe you will find this sort of coastal forest. Make it a stopping of point on your trip to Galicia
Precioso parque natural entre los ríos Eume y Sisin , y del cual una de las rutas culmina en el Mosteiro de Caaveiro.Visita obligada si vas a A Coruña.
precioso parque natural para disfrutrar solo, en pareja o familia.situado en un pequeño pueblo cercano a la coruña,pontedoeume.llevate unos bocatas ,zapatos comodos y descubriras un lugar maravilloso .caminaras a la vera del rio,visitaras el viejo monasterio de caveiro ,una magnifica fuente natural con un agua deliciosa.y toda la naturaleza en vivo.espero que te guste.
Senderos increíbles para caminar y estar rodeado de la naturaleza en un estado puro. Excelentes rutas de senderismo. Mi familia y yo probamos la ruta del monasterio de Caveiro este invierno y estamos deseando volver en otra estación del año a probar las demás. 100% recomendable, además al lado del monasterio hay una pequeña taberna con una comida y postres exquisitos.
Una ruta a pie por el bosque hasta el Monasterio de Caaveiro merece mucho la pena. Fácil acceso en coche. Un lugar para desconectar
Es un lugar excepcional. Estando allí, simplemente escuchando los ruidos de la naturaleza parece que no exista nada más. Visita obligada si vas por la zona.
Es un lugar unico, mientras sigues el rio vas disfrutando del entorno de arboles de todo tipo, lo mejor la subida al Monasterio de Caaveiro, un lugar unico perdido en medio de un lugar unico. En verano ponen autobuses para subir, en otoño, invierno, puedes subir con tu coche hasta el ultimo puente, el ultimo tramo siempre ha de hacerse a pie, una vez la subida al monasterio bajad al entorno del molino, el autentico corazon de las fragas del eume, un lugar inolvidable
La desidia de la Xunta de Galicia ha conseguido que uno de los mejores bosques atlánticos gallegos se convierta en otro parque temático del Gran Eucaliptal de monótono verde oscuro típica de esta nueva australia gallega. Felicidades a todos los gallegos¡
Fuimos al Monasterio de Caaveiro e hicimos la ruta en coche hasta el último puente donde tuvimos que dejar el vehículo. El entorno es espectacular con muchísima vegetación, el frescor del río con varios puentes colgantes, la dura subida al Monasterio y la bajada al antiguo molino. Lamentablemente no tuvimos tiempo de quedarnos más tiempo, ya que nos íbamos a comer a Mugardos .... pero eso es otra historia.
Genial para desconectar una tarde, organizar un picnic y bajarlo dando un buen paseo hasta el Monasterio de Caaveiro. Ese paseo puedes darlo o bien por la carretera o cruzando uno de los varios puentes y hacer una ruta de senderismo, con calzado adecuado y algunas zonas un poco complicadas para niños o mayores; pero muy recomendable.Después de subir una buena cuesta merece la pena acudir a la caseta de información para que os digan la hora de la siguiente visita guiada gratuita