

地址: 暂无

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圣日耳曼德佩区Place St-Germain-des-Pre(六区),很庆幸我们就住在这一区。卢森堡公园与罗浮宫和塞纳河就在附近。就巴黎而言,六区的治安相对的较好些,连流浪汉也比较少。非常建议单身女性选择此区的饭店。 每天醒来就期待着早餐,我们连续几天都前往也在此区的『花神咖啡』吃早餐,我觉得它们的服务很不错,早餐也很可口美味。重点只需要走个5~10分钟就能抵达。虽然行前找了一些提供早餐的咖啡馆,但是有小朋友同行禁不起搭地铁到另一区或是迷路浪费时间。 因为很幸运的天气非常晴朗,早餐后我们刻意的不搭地铁,例如第一天,我们慢慢散步前往艾菲尔铁塔,途中发现许多迷人的小店,如:手工饰品与皮件,居家用品和古董店等等。虽然他们像我们也去渡假了没营业,但光从橱窗往内瞧瞧也很有趣。也因为每天上午都走在大街小巷中,而发现每天早上除了垃圾清运车外,还有洗街车。这对于巴黎的街道清洁有很大的帮助。 Saint-Germain大道,除了许多国际名品和餐厅。还有鼎鼎大名的排队美食~PIERRE HERME(72, rue Bonaparte)也在这一区,它的同一条路上几公尺处还有种类最齐全&价格最便宜的City Pharmacy药妆店。petit-bateau法国童装也在对面。法国当地品牌agnes b. 男女装与童装这一区也有喔!超美味的冰淇淋Amorino(Rue de Cler, 75006 )这里也能吃的到。6&7区交界的『Le Bon Marche』百货公司,更是好买好逛,因为观光客较少些。笔记重点:在巴黎带一两双耐走的好鞋是必须的,因为鞋子磨脚而走不动,肯定很扫兴!!!PS:如果你喜欢我的评论,请帮我按个『推荐』,谢谢您!










这地方真叫人喜欢。参观完奥赛美术馆后,随便走了走,发现罗丹之前住过的房子,后来又去了一家餐厅,看着行人来来往往,十分有意思。在这儿比Les Halles更能融入到当地人的生活。


I was torn between sitting in a cafe and watching the folks go by or walking and checking out all of the folks sitting in cafes. Tons of fun and beauty. You cannot go wrong.


Nice mix of independent and chain shops, bars, restaurants and pretty French buildings. Well connected with several metro stations. Lovely buzzing vibe in the daytime and very chilled in the evening. Just a short stroll to Notre Dame/Ile de la Cite/St Michel/Chatelet. We'd definitely stay there again as it was a great base.


If I ever got to live in Paris -- this would be the neighborhood. It is easy walking distance to the Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame, Gran and Petite Palais, funky shops next to high fashion. It also has great bistros, markets, and served by bus and metros.


Loved this part of town! It is trendy with lots of buzz and great, amazing restaurants, shops and bars. Locals say this area has been commercialised and is very touristy. That said, I think many local Parisians still do spend time here and that's nice. It is close to the Latin Quarter which is certainly where the tourists flock too, and not my preference but St Germain des Pres is lively and vibrant without being a tourist trap. I would consider staying in the area on my next visit.


Very trendy. Very chic. Very bohemian.I love this place at night. Back streets light up with a random assortment of bars and bistros.A lot of French people go here which is always a good indication of quality.


many shops and cfe add to an aftrnoon's njoyment of thi hitoric area Forget finding the andlmaker to king It's totlly modren & could b in an US mall. Very disappointing after searching for over an hour to find it i took my sore feet to a cafe and continued to enjoy Paris.


When the sun goes down ,, I suggest you go to this place A lot of coffee hopes and Resturant with French style. Also don't miss to go to the back street it is nice and cool areas to walkYou can use the metro or the buses or taxi to get thereYou will see also A lot of shops in the day time which is a great area for shopping too ...


What a lovely area this is. Quirky side streets, cobbled paths, paveside cafes, just to sit in the Paris sunshine here and admire the wonderful architecture is fab.


Well Saint Germain is Saint Germain - boho before boho and just very cool.Also has Cafe des Flores, and its rival opposite, both teeming with stars, wannabees, artists, dreamers.....Super boutiques and lovely houses, and boutique hotels.Great all round. Gotta be rich though.....

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