sphere within a sphere
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The Sphere within a Sphere is a modern work of art that symbolizes the greatness of the Vatican City which is undeniable, but it does not "fit" in the museum. Α huge metal sphere with no particular work done..
Nice sphere that takes pride of place in the Vatican courtyard.if your game jump the rope and turn it round it's a bit of fun,you can't miss it.
Did not expect to see a piece of modern art, within the Vatican Museum. However, it makes you think. And it also moves
Which is particularly amusing, since the last Pope has been likened to Emperor Palpatine, lol. The strange modern sculpture that was donated to Vatican City by some artist (can't remember the name) looks really out of place. Like a decaying futuristic orb set amongst a backdrop of lovely historic buildings (smack in the middle of Pinecone Courtyard). Very strange addition to Vatican City, if I may say so, and best donated to a modern art gallery!
Sfera con sfera( Italian for Sphere Within Sphere) is a bronze sculpture by Italian sculptor Arnaldo Pomodoro. It apparently hints towards the possibility of an another world within our world, devoid of its present frailties of violence and cruelty. And it Moves!
Sphere within a sphere is located in the center of Vatican museum. It's supposed to represent fragility of the world we live in. Oh and it moves!
This sculpture is in the central patio in the Vatican, it is beautiful, and moveable! The strange thing is it look so modern in a setting where everything else is antic!
The huge golden sphere is placed in the center of the Pine cone garden. Looks modern and a little odd in an area surrounded by historical Roman buildings. Our guide said the little sphere represents "the perfect world" The sculpture is bronze with very fine finish.
Our guided tour of the Vatican Museums started at Pine Cone Courtyard or Cortile della Pigna, which used to be part of the Belvedere Courtyard. It is now named after the huge 1st century bronze Pinecone (Pigna), in front of the large niche at the courtyard. In the middle of the Courtyard, there is a large bright and shiny bronze coloured globe, which measures four meters in diameter. I liked the sculpture, but it intrigued me very much. What is this modern sculpture doing in Vatican City, among all the ancient masterpieces?The sculpture is called Sphere within a Sphere, or Sfera con Sfera and is the work of the Italian sculptor Arnaldo Pomodoro (1926), living in Milan. My first impression was that I saw a huge shiny bronze globe, but when I looked closer I saw that it was broken and that there was a smaller globe inside. According to the sculptor, the smaller globe represents a new perfect world coming out of an imperfect world. The surface of the Sphere is beautiful and is reflecting everything around it. But at the same time it creates such a contrast because it is broken, its interior is tormented, corroded and full of teeth. This is what drives the sculptor, breaking these perfect, magic forms in order reveal its ferment, mysterious and alive, monstrous and yet pure. The sculptor said: "I create a discordant tension, a conflict, with the polished shine: a unity composed of incompleteness.” In his sculpture the shape of todays world contains within itself the form of the ideal new world. Some say the outer globe is Christianity and the inner globe is the new world. After reading more about the Sphere I understand the meaning of the work now and I think the prominent place on Pine Cone Courtyard at the Vatican Museums is really appropriate.The Sphere is part of a series spheres, located all over the world. Another famous Sphere is located at the United Nations headquarters in New York. The Sphere at Pine Cone Courtyard was sculpted by Pomodoro for the Vatican in 1990. You can actually turn the globe with your hand or when the wind blows strong enough the ball spins and creates games and light reflections.
Questa sfera nella sfera si trova in un grande cortile all'interno dei musei vaticani. E' strano come un'opera così moderna sia stata inserita in un contesto antico. A noi è piaciuta.
Гигантский шар, словно из фильма "Чужой" в сердце Ватикана. Потрясающе. Люди приходят во двор "сосновой шишки" и видят ЭТО! Незабываемое впечатление.
Achei estranha a escultura no contexto. Mas na comparação do tamanho com a esfera na torre da Basílica de São Pedro aceitei a sua existencia ali.
Parece fora de contexto. Não combina com o meio, muito menos local em que está inserida. Sair da sala de estátuas romanas, tendo antes passado pelo museu egípcio e depois se deparar com essa bola feia e futurista... nada a ver. Estraga o jardim.
lembra a nave ´Death Star´ do filme Star Wars, depois que foi bombardeada. Uma coisa modernosa dessas em meio a tanta beleza e perfeição, tanta riqueza simbólica e histórica.. hmmm... bem questionável.