panagia angelokistos
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again like a lot of my reviews of cyprus this a freebie and worth a view if your passing, however not much more than an hour will be spent there.beautiful architecture and photographs beautiful but theres not much more to do or say.see it, photo it and leave it
One of the most beautiful church in Cyprus . Inside the church you can see one of the most beautiful Byzantine mosaics...Virgin Mary with the two archangels.
This tiny church, which I think has had a fire at some point, is tucked away, in the town of Kirk, under the flight path of larnaca airport. The icons inside are breathtaking and the low lighting gives a terrifically atmospheric feel to the whole church. Whilst it is billed as being famous for 6th century mosaics, which we didn't find, the rest of the church is stunning in its simplicity and beauty and is obviously a loved and working church. Photography is permitted inside the Church but NOT flash. Also pay a visit, in the square outside, to the small refreshment shop and try the home made lemonade under the shade of a 500 year old tree !!!
I love churches and have travelled most of Europe seeing lots and lots of churches but this one really was something special. The architecture around the outside was mesmerising in that I haven't seen anything quite like it before. It's not huge and there is no detail with mosaics or carvings. It's very hard to put into words, but I felt like a young child discovering something magical whilst I walked around it. The name of the church is dedicated to the Virgin Mary (Panayia) and Angeloktisti means (Built by Angels). I asked someone why it was called this and they told me that the builders worked on it all day and then by the next morning, whatever they had done had been rebuilt in a different manner. I googled it when returning home after the holiday and found the following information here about it's history very interesting. The majestic tree and old olive trees around the church add to it's magical beauty. Also, if you are travelling with children, there is a wonderful playground on the grounds as well!
I grew up in Kiti. I left for college and never returned. Aggeloktisti is the church I was raised attending and always miss it. Every time I am in Cyprus, I must visit. The church is unique. To me it's magical. If you are in Kiti, you must visit. You will sense the peace as soon as you enter.
One of the top attractions in the Larnaca district is the church of Angeloktisti in the village of Kiti, about 12 kilometres from the city of Larnaca.This is a domed, cross-in-square Greek Orthodox church of the 11th century constructed over the ruins of a 5th century early Christian basilica and according to a local legend, it was built by angels (hence the name Angeloktisti). The church has undergone a number of alterations and two chapels were added to the main structure (the one to the north is dedicated to Saints Cosmas and Damianos and the other to the south in Gothic style is Latin). The church contains a vary rare 15th century icon of Archangel Michael and a unique mosaic depicting Virgin Mary standing up and holding young Jesus in her left arm and Archangels Michael and Gabriel standing to her right and left.After your visit to the church, enjoy a cup of coffee at the kiosk in the church yard.
angeloktisti means built by angels. Beautiful architecture. Also, make sure to take note of the huge mastic tree in the yard
here inside the church there is the mosaic icon of Mother of God standing between the archangels. Aggeloktisti means that it was built by angels
мозаика 6 века на своде за алтарем (все доступно к просмотру!)на столбе фреска иоанн креститель 15 векапри входе (в "новой" части) экспонируются иконы
Questa piccola chiesetta è sconosciuta a molti ma merita di essere visitata. Una leggenda narra che fu costruita dagli angeli. Al suo interno sono custodite icone millenarie. La volta della cupola presenta i resti di un affresco, purtroppo danneggiato da un incendio. L'abside è decorata con uno splendido mosaico bizantino, raffigurante la Vergine Maria. A pochi chilometri dall'aeroporto di Larnaka, facilmente raggiungibile, è una sosta irrinunciabile.
Это церквушка Построенная Ангелами в деревне Кити необыкновенной красоты. Она состоит из трех частей, первая из которых построена в пятом веке н.э.Обратите внимание на фрески и могильную плиту сразу за входом слева.
Se passate da Kiti siete obbligati a fermarvi in questa chiesa forse ancora più bella di quella di Agios Lazaros a Larnaca.La chiesa, ben indicata, è molto elegante già dall'esterno, ma solo entrando ci si rende conto dello sfarzo bizantino.Ammirate i mosaici, le icone e le pareti in sasso della chiesa.
La chiesa eretta nell’XI secolo sui resti di una basilica paleocristiana ha mantenuto l’abside originale insieme ad una delle più raffinate opere d’arte bizantina un mosaico della Vergine con in braccio Gesù tra gli arcangeli Michele e Gabriele. L’opera per importanza può essere paragonata ai mosaici di Ravenna.
Церковь Панайя-Ангелоктисти (означает «построенная ангелами») находится в 11 км к юго-западу от Ларнаки, в деревне Кити. Добраться из Ларнаки можно на автобусе Зинон № 417 (автобус голубого цвета), стоимость проезда 1.50 евро. В центре города автобус останавливается на ул. Архиепископа Макариу напротив заправки Petrolina (примерно 100 метров от полицейского участка). Церковь интересна тем, что состоит из трех зданий разных эпох: римско-католической часовни (XIV в.), византийской церкви (XI в.) и византийской часовни (XII в.). В церкви сохранилась самая древняя византийская мозаика на острове, не пострадавшая в период иконоборчества. Если не считать Салоник в Греции и монастыря Св. Екатерины на Синайском полуострове, Панайя-Ангелоктисти – единственная православная церковь, где в целости сохранилась столь древняя работа. Она изображает Богородицу в полный рост.
Situata a kiti, vicinissimo all'aeroporto di Larnaka, si rimane affascinati dallo spettacolo dell'arte bizantina, è sempre un piacere visitare questi luoghi ricchi di storia e di opere d'arte. Da non perdere