church of the intercession of the holy virgin
5A地址: 暂无
开放时间: 暂无

This church is called as 'Pokrova Church on Nerliy'. You should park your car in Bogolyubovo railroad station, and cross railroad via overbridge and then go through birch tree forest. And then you can see wide open Russian wild grass field. Very far, you can see this small church, it's 2km distance on foot. Or you can use horse cart with paying money. Narrow path is paved and so pleasant to walk. Many birds fly and guide travellers, and many wild flowers generate fragrants. I liked dry hays smell by wind so much. Near church, small pond appears, you can see and take fantastic pictures of reflection of the church. This church opens only summer time, during daytime. One grandma who sells candles inside opens door not so early. So, go there after 9~10 o'clock in the morning. This church was built on mid of 12 century by order of Bogolyubskiy, and it's a unesco cultural heritage. It's called the most beautiful church in Russia.If you are baptized by Russian othordox, then you can write down and leave your family names for pray. You can light candles inside, too. It's better riding on the horse cart on your way back, pay money to two young girls and enjoy passing through journey on wild grass field.
1st of all if you're visiting it in the spring be ready to go through water (if there are a lot of water there is a boats but if it's not enough be ready to take off your boots or make rubber boots on).2nd there is quite far from the railroad station and be ready to make this path on foot.And when you will be near... Just look at this amazing temple! Andrey Bogolubskiy was in good relations with Frederick I Barbarossa and made strong connection with Europe when Byzantine Empire became more and more weeker. Ornamental pattern in front of building is very similar to the european: lions, figurines of men, etc.
Bogolyubovo was amazing. This tiny church is located about 10 km from the city of Vladimir. The churcj itself is really small but the landscape around it is amazing - its like the church is "floating" on water. There are not car access to the church. From the main road, you will need to walk a 2 km path to get there. The view and the experience worth every steps!
Church of The Intercession on the Nerl River is the place I visit every year, usually in April. And every year I try hard to catch the day when water level hits its maximum. The church stands in the middle of a vast meadow. In spring, when Nerl River and Klyazma River are flooding, the church becomes isolated from civilization on an island in the center of an ocean. This creates absolutely fantastic and almost surrealistic breathtaking picture. This year was no exception. I planned the journey in advance and consulted EMERCOM reports daily to arrive to Bogolyubovo exactly when the water is really high. We ordered a motor boat driven by one of locals. It cost 250 roubles (less than $10) per person. The boatman provided us with orange life vests which additionally served as good protection from cold wind. The floating lasted several minutes and we safely reached the island where amiable keeper greeted our boat. In spite of the flooding cut off the church from civilization on an island, the church was open and we could leave donation, buy souvenirs and small artworks. Boatman gave us sufficient time to visit the church and make photos. Then we returned back to the pedestrian bridge where the trail starts. During other seasons many tourists travel here to see this masterpiece of ancient Russian architecture. Some people arrive to Bogolyubovo by public transport from Vladimir (Bus #152), others drive there by car. Vehicles can be left in several parking lots near the Bogolyubovo small railway station platform. Visitors cross a pedestrian bridge over rail tracks and then follow the paved path in the meadow toward the church in a distance (slightly longer than 1 km).In wintertime horse sleigh can help you reach the church. Typically one or two of them are waiting for travelers behind the pedestrian bridge where the path to the church begins. Some years ago when the meadow was solidly covered with snow, we hired such sleigh. As it was quite cold we were given warm blankets which helped feel comfortable in the sleigh. Although the horse runs fast the sleigh does not move directly along the path but rather in zigzag manner which extends time of the travel to be approximately the same as if you would walk there. That’s why on our way back we decided to stroll on pedestrian trail through the snow-covered meadow.In summer the blooming meadow and The Church of The Intercession look amazing! Visit this place, inhale the sweet scented grasses and wild flowers, watch fluffy clouds and small birds in the blue sky and allow your eyes to enjoy view of the magnificent white church in the distance. This is the picture everybody must see.
One of the most beautiful and peaceful places in central Russia. Prepare for a walk 2-3 km in one direction. I think it's best to visit it in not very hot day because there is no shade around - you will walk through the meadow. Or just wait for the evening.
This is another historic but small church on a hill by the Nerl River( more like a creek) outside Vladimir. When the river floods the church is on an island. I've only seen pictures. This is a serene setting where a short walk......ok not so short walk is required. A horse drawn wagon is available once you cross the train tracks (for a fee of course). beautiful countryside surrounds the church. The church is small but interesting. Watch out for bugs in the summertime.
Это достаточно красивое место. Расположено в 1 км через поле от станции и села Боголюбово. Машины можно оставить у станции, а затем через переход над путями и поле проходим к церкви. Вид на церковь открывается сразу и вы приближаетесь к ней. Это один из немногих сохранившихся памятников русского каменного зодчества 12 века. За храмом можно выйти на берег реки Нерль.
Изумительное место, один из красивейших храмов в мире. Обязательно приезжайте! Летом, весной, осенью, зимой она прекрасна в любое время года.
Невероятно красивая церковь в сказочном месте. Обязательно пройдитесь пешком от Богослово. Приятная прогулка к резному шедевру только усилит впечатление.
Это действительно самая красивая церковь России. Невеста на холме в ожидании Жениха. Атмосферой проникаешься еще за километр, когда ступаешь на вымощенную камнем тропинку через поле. Мы шли очень рано утром, поднималось солнце, еще стелился туман, а вдали виднелся силуэт церкви. Сказочная картина! Вблизи она еще прекрасней. Обязательно посмотрите на ее отражение в озере. Если захотите войти внутрь, то подавите первое разочарование. Внутри церкви абсолютно голые стены. Но это только добавляет уникальности. Дело в том, что фрески не выдерживают сырости помещения. Да, внутри церкви очень сыро. пообщайтесь с местными смотрителями, они очень приятные люди. У них, кстати, можно приобрести баночку натурального меда.
Самое замечательное это то,что туда на авто не подъехать. От парковки пешком полтора км, так что выбирайте день для посещения с хорошей погодой. Церковь, конечно, красивая, но природа вокруг, путь через поле - это и есть божественная красота.
Церковь как всегда порадовала, хотя напрягли некоторые моменты - отвратительный платный туалет, магазин церковного барахла в храме и внешняя убогость большинства объектов на острове. Но церковь прекрасна!
До Боголюбово можно добраться на автобусе с автовокзала Владимира. Мы сели в автобус на остановке на Театральной площади. Любой местный житель подскажет, какой автобус нужен, а в автобусе подскажут, где нужно выйти. Здесь хорошо в любое время года! Зимой одно неудобство - заповедные поля, естественно, никто не расчищает от снега и идти к Покровам нужно будет... нет, не идти, скорей плыть по снегу! Но оно того стоит. Если будете во Владимире, обязательно побывайте там.
Одно из красивейших мест, где мне приходилось бывать. Душа там отдыхает... Мне не хотелось оттуда уходить, несмотря на пасмурную и дождливую погоду. Эта небольшая церковь просто приковывает к себе... Ее нахождение вдали от дороги, машин и так называемой цивилизации делает ее вдвойне привлекательной. Попадаешь в незабываемый далекий мир чистоты и спокойствия...
Лучшее время посещения весна, когда речка заливает луга и церковь стоит на небольшом островке посреди залитых лугов, зимой можно покататься на санях